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  1. Partnership will explore use of robots to improve patient care

    Robots could soon become an even more common sight at Southmead Hospital under a partnership to explore their potential to enhance patient care. North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and the Bristol Robotics Laboratory at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) are collaborating on the development of robotics and other healthcare technology to […]

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  2. Helping to eliminate malaria in South East Asia and Southern Africa

    Eliminating Malaria by Strengthening Health Programme Management in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa Every year some half a million people die from malaria, a disease which exists in nearly 100 countries. Focus for enhanced malaria programme performance is often placed on the technical challenges, while human and organizational factors are often overlooked. Research conducted by […]

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  3. Kingston University’s ESCAPE-pain rehabilitation programme

    Kingston University’s ESCAPE-pain rehabilitation programme helps people with chronic hip and knee pain and has been delivered in 20 sites across the UK including community centres, leisure centres and schools. It has treated more than 13,000 people to date, saving the NHS an estimated £22M by reducing the amount of healthcare needed by patients. Read […]

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  4. University of South Wales’ Clinical Simulation Centre

    ABOUT THE CENTRE Our state of the art clinical simulation centre is set up to replicate an acute care NHS environment, providing realistic clinical facilities for our Nursing and Midwifery students and qualified healthcare professionals. The centre provides training for a wide range of healthcare professionals such as anaesthetists, junior doctors, medical students, nurse practitioners, […]

    Read more of: University of South Wales’ Clinical Simulation Centre