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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. How the Innocence Project London law clinic is redefining clinical legal education

    …s. In our latest instalment of the Innovators blog series, University of Greenwich’s Dr. Louise Hewitt writes about how the Innocence Project London provides vital experience and a critical perspective of the criminal justice system for her students. Deconstructing claims of innocence from convicted individuals is not a routine feature of degree programmes in higher education, but at the University of Greenwich students are embracing the opportuni…

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  2. Delivering one of the world’s first Degree Apprenticeships in Midwifery

    …imately 1 in 3 midwives and specialise in innovative provision such as degree apprenticeships. In our latest ‘Innovators’ blog, Sue Lawrence, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery at the University of Greenwich writes about how her institution innovated by developing one of the country’s first degree apprenticeships in Midwifery. “Back in 2019, the University of Greenwich was one of three pilot sites selected to test the possibility of running a Midwifery…

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    Sue Lawrence
  3. Collaboration will be key in delivering the NHS Workforce Plan

    …onal Health Service. With the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan announced last week, Dr Denise Baker, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby, and Chair of the University Alliance Deans of Health Group, discusses what measures are needed to ensure the longevity of the NHS. The long awaited and much overdue NHS workforce plan has finally arrived. The first plan of its kind, the lengthy doc…

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    Dr Denise Baker
  4. Lifelong Learning – is it worth the hard yards?

    The introduction of a workable approach to lifelong learning has been anticipated by the sector for many years. So, should the sector be rejoicing in the wake of a new bill that promises to increase access and participation for all learners, meet the skills needs of the future, and get people into good jobs? Or should we approach with extreme caution? A marathon not a sprint When something is difficult to understand or translate, then we tend to…

    Read more of: Lifelong Learning – is it worth the hard yards?
  5. #WeAreInternational blog: Faustina Edward

    …raduate Success role An international student who graduated with a law degree from Kingston University two years ago has returned to take up a new role equipping young people with the skills to succeed in the modern workplace. Faustina Edward, from Saint Lucia, previously worked in supporting young people through community youth development activities in her home country before going into higher education. The 26-year-old is now building on that e…

    Read more of: #WeAreInternational blog: Faustina Edward
  6. Under attack: it’s time universities responded seriously to the worsening threat of cybercrime

    …ocked-up systems, creating significant additional costs when said systems needed to be rebuilt. And unfortunately, we can be certain that this threat will only get worse. Each year, for the past three years, the National Cyber Security Centre has reported an increase in ransomware attacks against schools, colleges, and universities. Universities are in many ways uniquely vulnerable to cyberattacks. Legacy IT systems still dominate at many institut…

    Read more of: Under attack: it’s time universities responded seriously to the worsening threat of cybercrime
  7. National Care Leaver’s Week 2020 – how Kingston University is helping care leavers through their studies

    …pport to help care leavers through their studies, says Beth Taswell. This week mark’s National Care Leaver’s Week 2020 – a week that brings awareness to this group of young people, highlights some of the challenges that they face, and celebrates their successes. Access and Support Advisor for Kingston University’s KU Cares scheme Beth Taswell explains how the programme supports students during their time at the University. A care leaver is a young…

    Read more of: National Care Leaver’s Week 2020 – how Kingston University is helping care leavers through their studies
  8. British Academy join our call to look beyond salary-led definitions of value

    …ntial future Conservative government threatening to tackle “low-value” degrees, the British Academy’s Head of Higher Education and Skills Policy, Harriet Barnes, asks what we actually mean by “value” when it comes to Higher Education and how we can avoid being led astray by narrow definitions. The question of the ‘average’ salary in the UK suddenly became a hot topic in the General Election campaign when an audience member at the BBC Question Time…

    Read more of: British Academy join our call to look beyond salary-led definitions of value
  9. Profile: Professor Debra Humphris, Chair of University Alliance

    Professor Debra Humphris has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton since December 2015. Starting her career as a practicing nurse, her route into academia has been far from traditional. After initial training, she was encouraged to take the newly introduced nursing diploma and was later sponsored by the NHS to undertake the qualifications required to teach nursing. Debra would go on to complete a master’s at Portsmouth and a PhD at t…

    Read more of: Profile: Professor Debra Humphris, Chair of University Alliance
  10. #WeAreInternational blog: Nick Bender

    …lping to cement the UK’s position on the world’s stage. Therefore, it has been hugely concerning to hear recent reports that the Home Secretary is considering imposing restrictions on those from abroad who wish to study here. Unwelcoming language and policies do nothing to grow the UK economy, research impact, or our cultural diversity. These are individuals with real lives, with immeasurable talent to offer to our country – we should always welco…

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    Nick Bender