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  1. Universities take action to increase academic diversity in the media  

    …pertFile) has shown that less than a fifth of academic experts are externally and publicly engaged in this way and that there are many barriers to media participation. The campaign will help to take a major step forward in supporting more academics to be more media involved, to bring valuable insight and evidence on the major concerns of today and tomorrow through media coverage and to ensure we have a diverse representation of academics in the me…

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  2. University Alliance responds to today’s update in government guidance for student returns to campus

    …community. They have traded the health and wellbeing of Higher Education students in favour of other parts of the economy in a move that is both nonsensical and deeply disingenuous to the nation’s future workforce, upon whom we will all rely to power the UK’s future.”…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to today’s update in government guidance for student returns to campus
  3. The University of Greenwich have developed drug treatments targetting fatal cytokine storm symptom of Covid-19.

    …ach has developed compounds, known as UoG-alpha and UoG-beta, that can inhibit the multiple cytokine proteins that can cause death by respiratory collapse, following Covid 19 infection. These compounds can be used within a drug therapy to prevent our immune system from disabling the body’s lung function during a cytokine storm; one of the contributing factors in Covid-19 deaths. This treatment could potentially also help protect cancer and organ t…

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  4. Covid-19 research and enterprise

    …ach has developed compounds, known as UoG-alpha and UoG-beta, that can inhibit the multiple cytokine proteins that can cause death by respiratory collapse, following Covid 19 infection. These compounds can be used within a drug therapy to prevent our immune system from disabling the body’s lung function during a cytokine storm; one of the contributing factors in Covid-19 deaths. This treatment could potentially also help protect cancer and organ t…

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  5. National Care Leaver’s Week 2020 – how Kingston University is helping care leavers through their studies

    …t step. If you think back to when you were 18, how ready were you to be fully independent? Most people are fortunate enough to have family to fall back on when things get tough, whether that’s to borrow a bit of cash to help with the food shop, or just to check in and make sure that they’re ok. For a lot of young people leaving care, the support they had as a child will stop abruptly on their 18th birthday, yet most of their peers who are not in c…

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  6. Leeds fashion students create masks and scrubs for front-line workers

    …er with fabrics. She said: “We are in this together. We all have to do our bit and that way you can help save lives. Protecting myself, protecting my children and protecting others, I think with this attitude we are going to overcome together. If I bring my ideas and others bring theirs, we can come out the other side and beat this virus.” Second year BA (Hons) Fashion student, Ruby Lee, has also designed sets of scrubs which have been donated to…

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  7. USW rapid point-of-care Covid-19 test a step closer to being available

    …accurate and most importantly cost effective, so that it could be made widely available, particularly if there is a second wave or increasing incidents of localised lockdowns. We still have a bit of a way to go for regulatory approval but we are confident that we are producing a high-quality, low-cost test.” Dr Emma Hayhurst, who is also a lead scientist on the project, said: “The beauty of this test is that it is quick and portable. It doesn’t ne…

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  8. 3 years in 3 minutes: DTA student success in the 3MT

    …thout any mistakes. I then delivered my presentation to everyone in my family one by one. Only with practice, I could finally present in front of two or more people with a camera recording me constantly. Once I presented, I was not sure if my presentation was good enough for the competition or if I would win; I could be a runner up I thought. However, I felt victorious for the fact that I did not lose focus during the presentation and I was not at…

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  9. A Snapshot of Science

    …use of major concern as it is associated with violence, organised crime bullying and debt. Despite the development of new analytical technologies, the detection of NPS is still a very challenging task. In this framework my research through the use of Raman spectroscopy, aims to enhance the in-field detection of NPS. Enhancing the detection of these substances smuggled into prisons will have positive impact in the daily issues faced by prison and N…

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    Small child holding a banana behind a bar
  10. Malignant mesothelioma: Current research into a man-made epidemic

    …ental exposure to asbestos, although 20% of patients have never been directly exposed to the asbestos fibres. In nearly 95% of the cases the life expectancy is poor, with only 9-12 months survival post-diagnosis. We are looking to improve this prognosis by developing a new bioanalytical method of fibre detection and diagnosis. To achieve this, we are using in vitro mesothelioma models and cutting-edge analytical techniques. This project is close t…

    Read more of: Malignant mesothelioma: Current research into a man-made epidemic