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  1. Government must allow all remaining Higher Education students to return

    …rk and significant investment by universities to ensure their campuses are Covid safe and secure for students and staff alike. “Delaying a return any further also has huge and worrying ramifications for the mental health and wellbeing of our students who have already experienced significant increases in anxiety and isolation as a result of the absence of in person teaching and interaction with their peers. A return to campus will enable full acces…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  2. Oxford Brookes University develop vaccine

    …Research has been conducted through their spinout company, Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd, to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. Awarded a grant by Innovate UK to work in partnership with Vaxine Pty Ltd. Covax-19® is a vaccine based on production of recombinant spike protein manufactured in insect cells and the Innovate UK grant will enable OET experts to use their technology to help Vaxine to improve the yield and scale of production….

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  3. The DTA celebrates International Women’s Day 2021 with an ‘in conversation with’ talk

    …me for #IWD this year, Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world , the ‘in conversation with’ chat was facilitated by Dr Cheryl Allsop (Deputy Director of DTA Social Policy and Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of South Wales), who was joined by Co-Chairs of the DTA Researcher Representative Committee – Ana Tendero-Cañadas (Bioscience, Brighton), April Murray Cantwell (Social Policy, She…

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  4. Supporting student mental health during the pandemic and beyond

    …services mentioned above continue to spiral into the millions. To effectively help all students affected by this crisis, the government need to offer a more substantial financial package to the higher education sector not just now, but into the future. This was a key point made by us at University Alliance in response to the government hardship funding package: we all know that the pandemic’s impact will be long-term and unpredictable. As we look…

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  5. University Alliance response to government roadmap announcement

    …bjects can resume face-to-face teaching from 8th March. Our members are fully committed to supporting the safe and responsible return of their students and will take steps to ensure these learners are supported to complete their learning, projects and performances; whilst ensuring incidences of Covid cases and transmission on campus continue to remain low. For those students unable to return, Alliance universities will continue to draw on their ex…

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  6. University Alliance responds to the package of announcements released by the Department for Education

    …institutions and other high-cost subjects such as creative arts which equally bring value for individuals and the economy. In meeting the demand for higher technical skills, and more broadly as an essential part of the national education infrastructure, we welcome the additional investment in and reform of further education. However, it is also vital that the role of universities in delivering technical skills is not forgotten; the divide between…

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  7. UA responds to NMC update on placements

    …nts to enter paid placements, whilst retaining flexibility for higher education institutions to make decisions in partnership with service partners. Alliance universities will continue to work incredibly closely with local healthcare providers and public health bodies to respond appropriately; making decisions about student deployment in response to local context and need.”…

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  8. DTA3 Year in Review

    …d innovative training and knowledge sharing opportunities. We are one of only a small number of UK-based Cofund projects and the only UK umbrella organisation, bringing together 15 host institutions to establish and deliver the programme. 2018 and 2019 were busy years. We collated PhD project proposals, completed the global recruitment of 70 international fellows, aligned HR practices and audit trails across all the partner universities, all at th…

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  9. We need more than workshops to support the wellbeing of PhD researchers

    …Doctoral Training Alliance (DTA), the funded PhD programme that runs across 19 Alliance universities and partner institutions. I don’t want my experience to continue to be the norm. With Science Minister Amanda Solloway recently urging research culture to promote wellbeing at all levels – as well as this being a core priority of the new UKRI CEO Dame Ottoline Leyser – it feels like there is a real opportunity and appetite now to make a difference…

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  10. Hertfordshire’s Community Garden Project

    …with students, but these spaces has become more vital during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The areas are available to all students and staff, offering a fantastic volunteering opportunity for students to get outside and help maintain the plots. “Gardening is not only a great way to improve our green spaces on campus for everyone, but also improves overall wellbeing, particularly during these extraordinary and stressful times. This is an activity…

    Read more of: Hertfordshire’s Community Garden Project