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  1. Response to the BIS Commons Select Committee Inquiry assessing quality in HE

    …recommend: Quality Assessment (QA) and the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) should be integrated into a single system. TEF should not by itself be used to determine whether universities can charge undergraduates more for their tuition. The proposed link with tuition fees should be introduced for well-established universities passing a new risk-based QA threshold. Any future QA system should continue to separate the role of assuring quality from…

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  2. Universities, the NHS, and health workforce transformation

    …ght staff with the right skills in the right place unless there is a joint effort to effect a change. Coordinated delivery Delivering an ambitious workforce plan in a financially challenging environment will require new creative ways of working – how can the existing workforce be reskilled, or services be reorganised? The renewed emphasis on prevention will necessitate new healthcare and non-healthcare roles. To deliver on the plan’s promise, work…

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  3. Collaboration and the social dimension at the heart of innovation

    …are like a Celtic knot: inextricably intertwined. In an epiphanic moment in 2016, having completed my doctoral studies, I realised two significant issues about Film [Production] degree programmes that were being taught at many universities throughout the UK, including my own: firstly, the curriculum had barely changed in 30 years and, secondly, our students were effectively ‘on their own’ in terms of employment, especially when they graduated. As…

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    Dr Eddie McCaffrey
  4. Immersive Nursing Simulation at the University of Derby

    …Nursing Associate courses were in professional occupations 15 months after completing their course (Guardian University Guide 2023). We were the first higher education institution to become a member of the Florence Nightingale Foundation Academy. The Foundation focuses on improving health, clinical outcomes and patient experience, through building nursing and midwifery leadership capacity and capability. This aligns closely with our own ethos and…

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    Nursing simulation at the University of Derby
  5. Dance, Digitisation and Intangible Cultural Heritage – Coventry University

    …o attended the festival had their perceptions of marginalised and minority communities changed, increased the visibility of Romani community’s dance practices, and provided exhibition venues new ways to access history for public engagement purposes. The research has changed methods used by IT developers working with dance content, established new approaches to curation of dance content and safeguarding that feed into wider sector practices, and in…

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  6. Making the workplace more equal – Oxford Brookes University

    …– for example due to caring responsibilities or disability (from 12.2% in REF 2008 to 29.2% in REF 2014). Women in horse racing The under-representation of women in senior roles in British horse racing became another target for the Centre’s research. Its findings led to a national steering group being set up by the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) to promote gender and other diversities. The research also led to the appointment of a Head of Inc…

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  7. Using environmental DNA research to trace endangered or invasive species – University of Derby

    …of individuals or populations, the eDNA approach is a more accurate, cost-effective, and time-efficient method of surveying that causes less damage to vulnerable habitats and does not require expert staff to collect samples. The research team’s success lies in improving the way these methods can be used in freshwater environments, where eDNA is diluted and distributed by water movement and affected by environmental factors such as temperature and…

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  8. University Alliance responds to OfS consultations on TEF, student outcomes and the construction of indicators

    …he Office for Students should update the awards categories it uses in the TEF to reflect this new era of teaching excellence assessment. We recommend categories proposed by the Independent Review of TEF: Outstanding, Highly Commended, and Commended. These are clear categories that are widely used outside the higher education sector. But University Alliance also makes the following recommendations, that: OfS should create an additional bank of grad…

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  9. ‘Failing to invest in climate change research could have dire consequences’

    …he Leeds city region, understanding the benefits of retrofitting them to become more energy efficient to improve energy poverty, reduce costs and become more eco-friendly. Leeds Beckett University is leading a research project called the Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential (DEEP) to investigate the impact of thermally retrofitting solid walled homes to inform government projections and estimate the potential carbon and cash savings. Gener…

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