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  1. Women championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    …She is also a Trustee for the River Learning Trust, which demonstrates her commitment to supporting the next generation and giving back to her community. Freya Startup, Administrator – Wellbeing, Oxford Brookes University In the Disability Service, we work with hundreds of students with a huge range of needs, across their whole university experience. Freya has the ability to hold all of these different threads in her mind, to think about the needs…

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  2. ARU Safe Behaviour Ambassadors initiative

    …elmsford and Peterborough all of which are students and demonstrates ARU’s commitment to the wellbeing of our students, staff and the local community. In short: Shifts cover peak hours on campus and Ambassadors are given specific areas to monitor to guarantee all of campus is supervised. These students act as advisers to ensure the guidelines are being followed and will escalate or report any concerns they may encounter. Ambassadors received train…

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  3. Our Networks

    …knowledge exchange and learning around the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) as well as fostering other benefits and links with enterprise and business. Recent speakers include Research England who provided network members with a unique insight into recent developments with the Knowledge Exchange Framework.   Professional Networks University Alliance runs numerous professional networks organised for staff working across a range of directorates a…

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  4. University of the West of England: Robotic Arms for Amputees

    …vanced engineering group. They were recently named the 6th most innovative company in Europe by Business magazine Fast Company. Co-founder Samantha Payne said, “I co-founded open bionics because we wanted to build assistive devices that could enable people to have more freedom and independence. And we wanted these devices to be really affordable. So at the moment, there’s this amazing bionic technology that exists but it’s out of reach for most pa…

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  5. University of Brighton: Creating Cleaner Engines with Dolphin N2

    …Dolphin N2 to bring the products they had created to market. The internal combustion engines they have designed rival fuel cells and batteries in their efficiency and produce near-zero emissions of harmful nitrogen oxide (NOx). The company has recently been bought by FPT Industrial, a leading manufacturer in industrial vehicles, and will likely be used to make long-haul trucks more efficient and cleaner. Simon Brewster, CEO of Dolphin N2 said “We…

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  6. Birmingham City University: Younus’ Story

    …uate scheme, I have vastly improved as an engineer and future leader. I am communicating at a higher technical and professional level than previously, and I have also strengthened my technical competency. For example, on a monthly basis I report updates and answer queries on the project to senior management/stakeholders – something previously I would have struggled with.” This improved confidence, as well as the technical skills Younus has learnt,…

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  7. Written evidence to Commons Science and Technology Committee on UKRI

    …The Science and Technology Committee has published its conclusions from its inquiry into setting up UK Research & Innovation. The Higher Education and Research Bill will see the Government create ‘UK Research & Innovation’ (UKRI) — a new organisation of nine ‘councils’ comprising the seven research councils, Innovate UK and Research England. We submitted evidence to the Inquiry, which can be read here….

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  8. OFFA comment on Supporting thriving communities

    …ce for Fair Access (OFFA) has commented on our report, Supporting Thriving Communities: The role of universities in reducing inequality. OFFA’s Director of Fair Access to Higher Education Professor Les Ebdon said: “I’m glad to see this report celebrating the ways that fair access to university enriches society and the economy as well as transforming individuals’ lives. “University Alliance is absolutely right to highlight the importance of a whole…

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