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  1. All better now? Actually Hefce, we feel much worse

    …esumption that these universities can take the hit is extremely frustrating. “It comes down to a fundamental lack of value attributed to certain parts of our higher education sector by this government.” Alliance universities deliver about a quarter of all Sivs places, but the large size of some of the institutions means that they form only about 11 per cent of their overall student numbers – compared with 22 per cent at the Russell Group and 17 pe…

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  2. No one has to pay upfront

    …a credit card debt or a mortgage – it is just a little bit extra on your income tax. you will only start contributing once you have graduated and once you are earning over £21,000. if your salary at any point goes below £21,000 or you stop working then you’ll stop making monthly contributions. For a graduate earning £25,000, for example, they would be paying back just £7 a week. The contribution calculator is quite nifty. It is a shame they have c…

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  3. Efficiency, leadership and partnership: an approach that delivers shared economic priorities

    …investing heavily in universities in order to secure future economic growth. The UK Government’s commitment to achieving economic recovery and future growth is not in question but the fiscal deficit puts a different framework on decisions regarding investment and public spending in this country. The Government shares many of the economic priorities of universities including: equipping a highly-skilled workforce; driving innovation through partners…

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  4. Professor Craven's proposal for funding additional university places taken up by Conservative Party

    …letter to THE on 2nd July 2009, ‘win win way to square the funding circle’. 2. Established in 2006, University Alliance represents 22 universities at the heart of the sector that are both research-engaged and business-focussed. Alliance universities are actively engaged in their economic and social environments with close links to the professions, new industries and a deep-rooted commitment to access through flexible provision. Alliance universit…

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  5. Professor Craven’s proposal for funding additional university places taken up by Conservative Party

    …letter to THE on 2nd July 2009, ‘win win way to square the funding circle’. 2. Established in 2006, University Alliance represents 22 universities at the heart of the sector that are both research-engaged and business-focussed. Alliance universities are actively engaged in their economic and social environments with close links to the professions, new industries and a deep-rooted commitment to access through flexible provision. Alliance universit…

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  6. University Alliance appoints new Head of Communications & Public Affairs

    …Chevening, and will start in her new post at the beginning of December 2021. Coming into post with a wealth of experience in higher education, and with time spent in both marketing and communications, Annie will help University Alliance develop their long-term communications strategy, supporting public affairs as significant developments in the sector continue to unfold. Annie will play a large role in raising the profile of UA and advocating for…

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  7. Alliance universities are fulfilling a civic role within their communities

    …ur members are Powering their Communities below:…

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  8. UUK/NUS Attainment Report – Our Members comment 

    …qualifications and subject of study when assessing their degree attainment. Data for UK-domiciled graduates is used to create a probability that a student will achieve a first- or upper-second-class degree. These probabilities are aggregated to create an ‘expected’ percentage of a given cohort of students who should achieve a first or upper second. If the cohort achieves this percentage, the VA score is 1. For percentage attainment above or below…

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    NUS and UUK report title
  9. Research Fortnight: All assessment systems come at a price

    …ngland is also helpful. This is not to say that the REF is perfect as it is. Combining assessment of a research unit’s environment with its support for creating impact—conveyed separately through the impact statement in REF 2014—would be more efficient and give a more holistic picture of how universities are trying to ensure their research makes a difference. We might also usefully broaden the definition of impact, and create alignment with the Te…

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  10. Supporting thriving communities: Alliance universities case studies

    …Success Oxford Brookes University: Working with BMW Group to offer unique degree opportunity Students master both business and automotive management subjects with a major employer…   Supporting Success Sheffield Hallam University: Increasing BME learners studying to become a paramedic While 14% of the UK population is identified as BME, only 7.4% of paramedics are from BME groups…   Supporting Success University of South Wales: Combining work with…

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