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  1. OFFA report shows the need to banish confusing student bursaries

    …ked at the evidence of the impact of fees. Page 38 of this report looks at market failure and the misinformation regarding the current system, this can be downloaded here. University Alliance’s ‘Proposal for a Graduate Contribution Scheme for England’ is available to download here. University Alliance represents 22 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector that deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively…

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  2. University Alliance responds to OfS consultations on TEF, student outcomes and the construction of indicators

    …ing to education gain (value added), student voice and geographical labour markets as evidence of a provider’s achievement of positive student outcomes the proposed changes to the way teaching excellence is assessed through the Teaching Excellence Framework. In particular, we are pleased to see the introduction of a student submission. The Office for Students should update the awards categories it uses in the TEF to reflect this new era of teachin…

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  3. Evidence highlighted by University Alliance proves that research excellence is not determined by volume alone

    …arch; excellence is not determined by volume alone; and it is the peaks of world-leading research excellence that determine the position of the UK as a world leader. “We are not calling for radical change – quite the opposite in fact. We are urging the Government to maintain a consistent, evidence-based approach by continuing to selectively fund research based on excellence alone.” “In a difficult fiscal environment it is essential that these exis…

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  4. Maximise student success by making them ‘job ready’: University Alliance responds to OFFA report

    …ir collaboration with employers. When it comes to both the quality and job-readiness of our graduates, Alliance universities are competing with the best in the world. “There is also an urgent need to examine how to put the higher education sector funding system as a whole on a sustainable footing, as demonstrated by the recent coverage of a possible U-turn by the Business Secretary Vince Cable on selling off the student loan book and the BIS Selec…

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  5. Being innovative about the future of innovation funding

    …, underpinned by our universities’ crucial role in helping our businesses, cities and regions to flourish. [1] [2] Global Competitiveness Index 2014-15, The World Economic Forum, 2014; Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD, 2015 [3] The Global Innovation Index 2014, Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO, 2014; EU Innovation Union Scoreboard, European Union, 2015…

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  6. Enabling lifelong learning requires bold action from Government

    …ure. “Lifelong learning crosses many policy areas with higher education a crucial piece in the jigsaw. Currently the system is geared towards 18-year-old full-time students. Our report highlights how we could support people throughout their lives.” Notes 1. The report, Lifelong Learning: Ladder and Lifeline, can be downloaded here. You can also read about what our universities are doing to encourage lifelong learning here at…

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  7. Universities are key partners in industrial strategy

    …trategy Challenge Fund is welcome. “In meeting these ambitions, Alliance universities stand ready as delivery partners in waiting: anchors for national and regional growth, closely linked to high value industry and the hub and spoke in SME growth and innovation. “As our report sets out today, the government needs to make the most of these tremendous assets, as well as providing a long-term replacement for EU structural funding with a British Growt…

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  8. More progress needed on collaboration between employers and universities to fill STEM skills gaps

    …project, will be launched at a high profile event in the House of Commons today. Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “Employers want graduates with the knowledge and skills to hit the ground running and help their businesses grow. By collaborating with universities on developing courses and delivery, they can secure the workforce they need. “We need to speed up progress to fill STEM skills gaps that continue to have a…

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  9. Transforming reconstructive surgery through innovative design technologies

    …they can create highly accurate digital models of a patient’s anatomical structure to generate quality prostheses and make surgery and treatment less invasive. Reconstructive surgery, especially for maxillofacial problems affecting the mouth, jaws, face and neck, can be an intrusive and lengthy process for patients. A typical procedure could see patients making repeated trips to hospital especially to ensure their prostheses fit correctly. This no…

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  10. THE: Postgraduate loans welcomed, but what about mature students?

    …vice-chancellor, said: “We strongly welcome the chancellor’s announcement today to develop a government-backed postgraduate loan system. ​Postgraduate study is vital to ensure ​Britain develop​s​ and grow​s​ global talent, which will be key to our future success.” He added that the announcement “has the potential to create a fairer system for people who want to study a higher degree and transform their life chances”. You can read our full stateme…

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