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  1. University Alliance appoints first Director

    …Education Funding Council of England. END Notes for Editors: Established in 2007, the Alliance group comprises a mixture of pre and post 1992 universities with balanced portfolios of excellence in teaching, research and enterprise. Alliance universities are actively engaged in their economic and social environments with close links to the creative industries and the professions and a deep-rooted commitment to access through flexible provision. All…

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  2. Upskilling a global automative technology company

    …nior management roles within the organisation. A ‘flying faculty’ approach combines traditional classroom teaching methods, online digital media and independent study. The combined outstanding contribution of both KPIT’s and the university’s teams has been recognised in Coventry University’s Staff Excellence Awards for two years running. KPIT has welcomed the rapid implementation of the courses, a direct consequence of the innovative ‘flying facul…

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  3. University Alliance Backs Joint Commitment on Degree Classifications

    …have been proactive in addressing concerns about grade inflation within a complex system. This statement builds on the sector’s ongoing commitment to protecting the value of UK degrees, recognising that we have a collective responsibility to get this right. “It is important that we keep building the evidence base to unpick the factors contributing to ‘unexplained’ increases in first and upper second class awards, as well as highlighting progress…

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    Exam paper
  4. University Alliance comments on new Universities & Science Minister’s appointment

    …BILITY “Universities short and medium-term finances will be a key debate in 2019. “It’s right that ministers and regulator demand the sector to give value for money for every penny of public investment – but there is a disconnect in Whitehall and Westminster between the political posturing over the headline tuition fee and the commercial realities in universities. “The financial margins remain tight across the board for scores of institutions, in…

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  5. University Alliance comments on proposals to tackle grade inflation

    …n said: “This is a wake-up call. “The drivers of grade classifications are complex, with a wide mix of internal and external factors impacting on degree outcomes. “It’s clear, however, university leaderships cannot put the rise in upper degrees by solely down to rising standards. No one can ignore the growing evidence of ‘unexplained’ increases beyond student attainment, characteristics or investment in academic facilities and services. “It’s plai…

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  6. University Alliance responds to Education Select Committee report in Value for Money in HE

    …y makers and others to address these critical issues. In that spirit we welcome and recognise many of the Select Committee’s key findings, which mirror several of our positions. In particular we support the goal of greater flexibility in student loan funding to engage disenfranchised groups, a better system of credit transfer and having the infrastructure to support a wider use of accelerated degrees. We also share the Select Committee’s view that…

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  7. UA responds to the NUS Poverty Commission Report

    Commenting on the NUS Poverty Commission report, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Too often, student poverty has been missing from debates about higher education funding. The NUS Poverty Commission report is an important corrective to this, highlighting the challenges which many students – particularly those from working-class backgrounds or studying part-time – face in accessing and succeeding in post-16 education. Wh…

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  8. UA Chief Executive gives evidence to Public Accounts Committee

    …to discuss the higher education market at a recent meeting of the House of Common’s Public Accounts Committee. Alongside Maddalaine were Amatey Doku, Vice President (Higher Education), National Union of Students and Dennis Farringdon, Visiting Fellow, Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies. You can watch the discussion on Parliamentlive.TV or read the transcript here. Maddalaine also wrote a letter to the committee to support key issues…

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  9. UA comments on UCAS End of Cycle 2016 provider-level equality data

    Commenting on UCAS End of Cycle 2016 provider-level equality data, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Today’s institution-level statistics provide a useful evidence base, increasing transparency and highlighting where, alongside the great strides higher education has made in widening participation, there is still more work to be done. “While getting into university matters a great deal, getting on – in terms of retention…

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