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  1. University Alliance statement on Damian Hinds’ speech on L4/5

    …of adult learners remains an absolutely critical issue for this country. The shocking decline in part-time study remains largely unaddressed. We hope that the government will soon set out a similarly bold plan for this area as we all grapple with an economy and a labour market that will require genuine lifelong learning and we stand ready to work with them on delivering it. One of the key changes that could ensure that these new proposals make an…

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  2. uni_vision: what is your vision for universities?

    …sities to play in our country’s future. Watch our animation below. You can read more about the scenarios by clicking here or by clicking on each of the links below: Scenario A uni_divide Scenario B uni_public Scenario C uni_wifi Scenario D uni_market These scenarios are not predictions, they are challenging visions for our sector to get us thinking about the social and economic role we want our universities to play in our country’s future. Over th…

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  3. Powering jobs

    …workforce in upskilling and re-skilling to adapt to the ever-changing job market. Alliance universities aim to equip students with the necessary skills and broader capabilities that allow them to start successful careers in their chosen fields, navigate the post-COVID employment landscape and succeed in industries right from day one. During the UA Powering Jobs part of our mini campaigns launch, taking place throughout 2021, we will be demonstrat…

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  4. Vanessa Wilson

    …ment agencies and central government departments including the Employment Service, Department for Education & Employment and latterly the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as a Senior Civil Servant responsible for all departmental Strategic Communications, Campaigns and Marketing….

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  5. There may be trouble ahead…

    …in particular has made them leaders in generating the industry links, job-ready graduates and a research-rich, entrepreneurial environment required to succeed – to drive innovation and growth and promote a flourishing society. But as the Commission (which officially launches their report today) points out, the financial sustainability of our higher education sector – and everything it works and stands for – is under threat as a result of the limi…

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  6. Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter

    …f revolution but as a central tenet of UK higher education, it seems incongruous not to build other policies on the foundation that it provides. University Alliance institutions are proud of the world-leading research that they undertake. They have proven their quality through the national, peer-based assessment of research quality (the RAE) and are confident of doing so again in REF2014. Our report; Funding Research Excellence, published today pr…

    Read more of: Guardian – The research funding debate: why size doesn't matter
  7. Our response to the International Education Strategy

    …ty Alliance we recognise the huge opportunities there are if we build constructive international partnerships. We recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Australian Technology Network of universities to develop stronger links between our member universities and to explore international partnerships in emerging markets together. We will be holding an international conference with all of our members next year to discuss regulation and…

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  8. A time to pause and reflect

    …g at the heart of our communities. Our report, ‘The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass’, explores the issue of graduate shortages and the impact this could have on future growth and social mobility in the UK. While our ‘Problem Solved: university research answering today’s challenges’ brought together a new collection of case studies showcasing the strength and quality of the UK’s diverse research base and its rol…

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  9. Comment on release of OECD report 'Education at a glance'

    …need more graduates in the UK. The demand for graduates in the UK’s labour market continues to be strong, even during the global recession. The average employment rate of tertiary-educated individuals in the UK increased even during the crisis while the employment rate among individuals with lower levels of education decreased by 3.3 percentage points between 2008 and 2010. We must continue to look at ways to increase the number of graduates in ou…

    Read more of: Comment on release of OECD report 'Education at a glance'