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  1. University Alliance welcomes HEFCE’s ‘sensible proposals’ but warns of consequences for those students who won’t get a place at university

    …aying an essential role in driving innovation and discovery, producing highly-skilled graduates. In times of financial constraint these essentials are even more important and compel us to spend what we have to the greatest possible effect. It is therefore critical that institutions are strategically focussed and managed in order to achieve our shared priorities with Government. University leaders need sufficient freedom within a framework if they…

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  2. University Alliance warns of consequences of cuts for students who won’t get a place at university

    …aying an essential role in driving innovation and discovery, producing highly-skilled graduates. In times of financial constraint these essentials are even more important and compel us to spend what we have to the greatest possible effect. It is therefore critical that institutions are strategically focussed and managed in order to achieve our shared priorities with Government. University leaders need sufficient freedom within a framework if they…

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  3. University Alliance says investment in HE ‘crucial’ for UK economy

    …shape, this Government and any future Government needs to consider carefully the consequences of the substantial cuts that have been announced for universities. In a tight fiscal environment the choices are stark but the importance of public investment in higher education for our future economy cannot be overstated. “Even with the full additional fee income, three years after the introduction of variable fees in 2006, the sector is still 22% belo…

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  4. RAE Press Release: University Alliance

    …Virtual environments enable researchers to study scenarios that are ethically or practically impossible in the ‘real’ world, by improving the quality of the immersive experience. Unit 66 Communication, Culture and Media at Nottingham Trent University is organised through the Institute for Cultural Analysis (ICAn). An informing perception of ICAn is that problems in contemporary cultural analysis have become organised into four broad themes: (1) th…

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  5. The University of Hertfordshire’s holistic approach to research-led innovation and entrepreneurship

    …nificant investment for their in vitro, ‘3D human lung’. Our role as a catalyst and convener  As the only multidisciplinary university in Hertfordshire, we proactively engage with diverse stakeholders in our region and beyond to ensure our effectiveness as a catalyst and convener. We are a firm believer that by developing strategic partnerships, we can be far more impactful than by working alone, and can help drive sustainable and inclusive econom…

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  6. University groups call for cross-government health education taskforce

    …Education at the Russell Group said: “The Long Term Workforce Plan is rightly ambitious in its approach to boosting the vital pipeline of healthcare staff to the NHS. Universities will be central to the success, delivering more medical school training and degree apprenticeships, but this expansion will require careful planning and co-ordination. We fully support a new taskforce to holistically assess progress, barriers and solutions, and to best s…

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  7. 2023 in review

    …e heard. We’ll be particularly focussed on student maintenance support, and ensuring the next government addresses the financial shortfalls affecting the sector in the immediate term and develops a more joined-up strategy for post-18 education and skills for the long-term. Finally, having rebranded in 2023, we’ll be wanting to raise our profile, and the profile of Alliance universities, across the sector, in parliament and beyond, with some exciti…

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  8. Pandemic adaptations can improve inclusive assessment practices today: UA network releases report

    …ny of the adaptations made in response to lockdown restrictions were actually helping to close awarding gaps and improve continuation rates – even for the most disadvantaged students. UA universities wanted to figure out why, and how they could keep these adaptations going. This project was a continuation of the QAA Collaborative Enhancement project, released last year, in which nine attributes for enabling more inclusive assessment styles were id…

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  9. Digital transformation is key to boosting student experience

    …elationship with the student.   When you think about it, technology is really only a way of storing, moving, manipulating and presenting data to support the processes on which the university runs admissions, enrolments, timetabling, payroll, budgeting, asset and estate management.   When it is clear that data is the key then it becomes equally clear that running servers and big IT estates is not central to a university’s purpose, in fact it is an…

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  10. University Alliance responds to A level results day

    …ic, and we are now seeing a return to normal pre-pandemic levels. “It is essential that we maintain a strong skills pipeline into our health service, and we would of course hope to see numbers continuing to grow year on year. A career in healthcare obviously has its challenges, but it is also highly fulfilling to those who undertake it and we know nursing students at Alliance universities enjoy their time studying. To attract young people into the…

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