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  1. The 2019 University Alliance Summit

    …the event and looks forward to the future. This was an exciting week for me. Since becoming CEO of University Alliance in March, I have travelled the length and breadth of the UK, meeting our members and exploring their world-class facilities. The summit this week, however, was my first opportunity to bring them all together in one space. It was fantastic to witness this concentration of the drive and enthusiasm of staff across our membership and…

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    Vanessa's summit speech
  2. Research Professional HE: A sense of place

    …ing the place they operate in, a lot of knowledge exchange and support for companies.” Latham, who is a member of the Innovate UK board, added that he sees benefits in its being “part of an organisation of scale” within UK Research and Innovation when the government’s higher education reforms are introduced, so long as budgets are properly ring-fenced. He added that this will help the research councils and Innovate UK play a greater role in suppor…

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  3. Teaching & curriculum development: A cut above with fashion course

    …industry website Business of Fashion, and fifth by leading blog In 2016, it was ranked second nationally in the Guardian newspaper’s league table of top fashion and textiles courses in the UK. It is also one of a select few, high-performing courses to be awarded the Creative Skillset Tick. This quality mark recognises outstanding courses and their contribution to the creative industries. The first year of the degree introduces the…

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  4. Mind the gap report – University of Sheffield case study

    …fy the course content that would develop the advanced manufacturing skills companies needed. As a result, they have become a strong advocate of the Training Centre ethos which combines filling a developing skills gap while improving access to higher education. Future plans and developments The AMRC has plans for an introductory programme that will help young people aged 16 to 25 who aren’t in education, training or employment and may need to overc…

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  5. A new manifesto for UK research

    …ciences for Health to launch later this year, suited to the industry careers these students are most likely to embark upon. Universities are at the heart of our science and innovation ecosystem in the UK. Our report sets out how universities and funders can help secure a research ecosystem that will support the excellent research and innovation that the UK needs to succeed….

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  6. Ensuring our research and innovation ecosystem thrives

    …roductive research base among the G7 and other leading nations. It produces 6.4 per cent of global journal articles, 11.6 per cent of citations and 15.8 per cent of the world’s most highly cited articles.[1] This is a record to be proud of, and it is largely to the credit of the UK’s universities which carry out almost three-quarters of publicly funded R&D in the UK. They are highly connected, with the networks and resources to build essential lin…

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  7. Job Ready: universities, employers and students creating success

    …r graduates, Alliance universities are competing with the best in the world. This comes down to our deep commitment to deliver excellent practice-based learning for our students giving us the reputation of being the leading employer-facing universities. “From major blue-chips down to small, rapidly- innovating businesses, the interviews we have undertaken demonstrate that employers value this approach. And we know that students value it too, with…

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  8. A message of hope from the Government to end 2013

    …oral high ground and invests in an ambitious and optimistic future for the UK. Happy Christmas everyone! “In 2013 we have seen the highest ever number of students enter higher education.” The evidence is compelling: expansion of higher education is good both for the individual and the economy. Every time we expanded the university system there have been those who predict an oversupply of graduates will bring down rates of return and average gradua…

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  9. Design: a long view

    …htly less considered origin for the meaning of the word describes intention. One of the most common contexts in which someone in the first half of the nineteenth-century might come across the word design was when reading about the designs that eligible young men might have for eligible young women in the novels of Jane Austen. Used in this way, the word design describes the agency of intention – a plan or a scheme. “…the word design describes the…

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