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  1. Mind the gap report – University of Lincoln case study

    …ks with Siemens to create the first new School of Engineering in the UK for 20 years which opened in 2010. This was supported by key stakeholders such as HEFCE, the Regional Development Agency and the European Commission. Its aim was to address the urgent need to train more engineers and avoid businesses such as Siemens and their supply chains moving out of the area. Lincoln academics and Siemens training staff are co-located at the School, sharin…

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  2. You say you want a revolution…

    …urses which will allow engineers to learn key information without the time commitment required by the MSc. In a few years we expect to be reflecting on the specific research goals having been successfully delivered. There are also additional, less easily quantifiable advantages of university collaboration: easy access to the literature, calculations speeded by the university’s High Performance Computing unit, alternative views and unexpected insig…

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  3. University Alliance Summit 2015: Anticipation. Disruption. Excellence.

    …g, Welsh Government Breakout sessions Reputation Management in context of REF 2020, Ben Verinder, MD, Chalkstream Communications Universities driving UK-wide competitiveness, Liz Shutt, Head of Policy, University Alliance Using data to drive decisions – joint JISC/HESA/Tableau session, Janette Hillicks, Subject Specialist in technology to support enterprise, JISC, Sophie Haworth, Trainer, HESA, Yusaf Mirza, Tableau Pre-Summit fringe events: Wonkhe…

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  4. Bringing free law services to the local community

    …who would otherwise not have access to professional legal services between 2008 and 2013. Research by the University’s Law School revealed that supervised real life experience helps students to understand the legal rules and practical reflection required for legal practice. The Law School pioneered legal clinics as part of its curriculum and today, Northumbria’s Student Law Office (SLO) provides a unique learning experience which helps both stude…

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  5. Bringing flight data analysis into the 21st Century

    …racts in the US, including with NASA. They have also moved into offering a complete service for clients from checking sensing and recording systems through to evaluating pilot performance. This is giving the company an advantage in the global market. As a result FDS Ltd has expanded operations at their Fareham HQ where they increased staff from six to 36, and set up an American subsidiary in Phoenix, Arizona. It is not just the aerospace industry…

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  6. Tackling chemical and plastic pollutants in the world’s oceans

    …ater growing awareness of the dangers our oceans face from two of the most common pollutants: complex chemicals and plastic. These have placed the ocean ecosystem under tremendous pressure, threatening to irrevocably alter both it and the diversity of life it supports. After developing an analytical method based on multi-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify ‘supercomplex’ mixtures such as those created when crude oil breaks…

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  7. Cutting the environmental and financial costs of abrasive machining

    …ch underpinned the design of new systems for optimal delivery of new fluid compositions, helping the company to make the production of their innovative new abrasive media more efficient. As a result of this, Vibraglaz UK has started the planning process to build a high volume manufacturing plant to meet anticipated early global demand. GERI’s research has also established the core rules of determining optimal flow parameters for industrial use. Th…

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  8. University Alliance review into developing the best environment for research excellence

    …day 21 January 2015. Research and innovation ecosystem An ecosystem is a useful framework for thinking about the complex network of activities and partners that contribute to the UK’s success in research and innovation. We’ve come a long way from the linear understanding of ‘knowledge transfer’ to a far more nuanced picture which acknowledges the complex feedback loops necessary to successful, world-leading research and innovation. The concept of…

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    Innovative students
  9. University Alliance launches review into developing the best environment for research excellence

    …day 12 January 2015. Research and innovation ecosystem An ecosystem is a useful framework for thinking about the complex network of activities and partners that contribute to the UK’s success in research and innovation. We’ve come a long way from the linear understanding of ‘knowledge transfer’ to a far more nuanced picture which acknowledges the complex feedback loops necessary to successful, world-leading research and innovation. The concept of…

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    Innovative students
  10. University Alliance responds to HEPI’s ‘Guide to Student Number Controls’

    …self-regulation, is needed. ​Quality assurance and enhancement, as well as effective student choice, may be compromised because there are different data requirements ​for different providers. “Although the Government expects to provide £900m in student support to alternative, private providers next year (2014-15), there is almost no comparable information about these providers’ satisfaction, retention or employability rates. We should move with al…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to HEPI’s ‘Guide to Student Number Controls’