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  1. BCC Business and Education Summit 2017: How can universities and business work together to drive economic growth?

    …n receive a discount on their ticket by contacting <> Communication Officer at University Alliance, Joshua Hastings, writes for the BCC Business and Education Summit 2017 on how universities and business collaborate to boost economic growth. Joshua highlights regionally-focused growth strategies by Coventry University, Liverpool John Moores University, and Nottingham Trent University, as featured in University Alliance’s…

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    British Chamber of Commerce
  2. Utilising self-reflective learning to promote excellent teaching – Scholarships of teaching and learning (SoTL): University of Salford

    …): A sector wide study’. Higher Education Academy. [Accessed: 23/8/16] Kanuka, H. (2011). ‘Keeping the Scholarship in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’ International Journal for the Scholarship of teaching and Learning. 5 (1) Article 3. Probert, B. (2013). ‘Teaching-Focused Academic Appointments in Australian Universities:…

    Read more of: Utilising self-reflective learning to promote excellent teaching – Scholarships of teaching and learning (SoTL): University of Salford
  3. Response to HEFCE announcement on student number controls for 2012-13

    …Notes to editors Media contact: Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 University Alliance report: ‘The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass.’ About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-class research and a culture of enterprise and innovation built on close partnerships with bus…

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  4. Soaring youth unemployment, no long-term jobs strategy – time for some joined-up thinking Chancellor

    …to speak with Libby Hackett contact Sam Jones on or 07767 673982. About the Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. Alliance universities educate over 26% of all UK students and achieve some of the highest graduate-level employment rates. Alliance universities offer a research- inform…

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  5. Lauren Sowter – University of Derby

    …more about functioning businesses, something her tutors strongly encouraged. She completed several business internships throughout her time at Derby. Two were at the University itself, and another with a market research company. This exposure to the wider world helped her realise the potential she has to offer the business sector. Lauren recently started to consider where to go next, and following a rigorous application process, has secured a role…

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  6. Sile Sibanda – University of Derby

    …ring is the best option. If it wasn’t for Clearing, I don’t think I’d have come to uni.” Finding the words Sile’s course would put her in situations that encouraged her to think carefully about communication, as she would need to present facts in front of a judge and jury. The experience bolstered her, as she would go on to present multiple Open Day Live streams for the University as a student ambassador, interviewing students, staff and visitors….

    Read more of: Sile Sibanda – University of Derby