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  1. Taskforce on research sustainability needs creative solutions

    …hout this crisis, University Alliance members have demonstrated their deep commitment to serving their communities. With a clear mission to dedicate people, capacity and knowledge to effecting change, we stand ready to offer whatever support and service our communities, students and government may need during these challenging times. Government action The government could take a number of actions to maximise the role that anchor universities can p…

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  2. How Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against Coronavirus

    Alliance universities are deeply committed to serving their communities and they stand ready to offer whatever support and service their communities, students and the government may need during these challenging times. We will be updating this page and the accompanying graphics with stories of how Alliance universities are contributing to the fight against Coronavirus and supporting their communities in this time of need. For more information abo…

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  3. University Alliance responds to general election result

    …skills needed by industry; bridging current and future skills gaps. We welcome the new government’s commitment to support and further invest in higher technical education, and we are ready to deliver the skills needed to ensure the UK keeps up with the global pace of innovation post Brexit.”   Notes University Alliance is the voice of professional and technical universities working at the heart of their communities. Alliance universities work wit…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  4. University Alliance sets out bold challenges to the future government

    …ing post-18 education more accessible and flexible to allow people to continually learn and upskill throughout their lives and ensure the UK keeps up with the global pace of innovation post Brexit? 3. Broadening the definition of value Will political parties commit to defining value beyond salary based metrics and creating diverse talent pipelines to a range of industries at all levels of education?   View the full publication here For more inform…

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  5. Enterprise Stars: Meet the student entrepreneurs – part 2

    …n @TU2Space UWE Bristol Tree of Wisdom Chocolates: Pedro Lafargue-Molina In 2009, Pedro planted cacao trees to reforest a plantain field in Ecuador. Four years later he realised that it would difficult to maintain the crop with the income as a small farmer – less than $1 a day. So he began to use small batches of his harvest to make artisan chocolate. He later set up a small farmers association and worked with different smallholders to directly su…

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  6. Vocation, Vocation, Vocation – foreword by Professor Edward Peck

    …s use to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to succeed. In NTU’s 2017 autumn intake, 34% of our incoming undergraduates possess at least one BTEC. A quarter of our UK undergraduates come from households with a mean average income of £15,000 or less. We also recruit a proportion of BME students which is well above the sector average. There is significant crossover here. For example, those students who come from families without a history…

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  7. Providing answers to the remotest questions

    …of Interactive Systems Design, from Sheffield Hallam University’s Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3RI), and working with a farming co-operative in Madhya Pradesh, India. Prof Dearden and the farmers, collaborated with Safal Solutions, a small Indian software development company, as well as researchers from the University of Oxford and UWE Bristol. They developed new ways of working with the farmers to design software matc…

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  8. The Hidden Story

    …egions throughout England and Wales. It is often said that universities benefit their local communities in ways that are not readily captured or rewarded by existing measures of research excellence or cultural and economic value. Equally, it is frequently thought that arts and humanities research adds value to the UK’s economy and cultural life beyond that which is captured in headline periodic exercises or reporting returns to government. Princip…

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  9. Collaborating for greater impact

    …held regular meetings and consultations to measure the engagement of, and effect upon, local communities and artist development. The team also helped conduct evaluation and support on arts commissioning and current and future event programming. The Creative Scene programme helps both local and national artists to engage in creative activity with North Kirklees community representatives and audiences. Since Creative Scene events began, volunteers…

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