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  1. Enabling lifelong learning requires bold action from Government

    …velopment of ‘hop on, hop off’ accelerated modular courses which fit flexibly around the needs of students in work. Commenting, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “The importance of lifelong learning has been repeatedly asserted by politicians and commentators, but addressing the challenge requires bold action. Our proposals, if implemented, would be a great start. “The potential benefits for our economy and society are hu…

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  2. UA comments on UCAS End of Cycle 2016 provider-level equality data

    …sn’t cover part-time students, this remains an area which the government needs to focus on urgently given the sharp decline we’ve seen in recent years.” Notes to editors: UCAS End of Cycle 2016 provider-level equality data is available online here: University Alliance’s report Supporting thriving communities: the role of universities in reducing inequality, published last year, is online here: https…

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  3. UCLan joins University Alliance

    …great opportunities – coming together, collaborating and working collectively gives our members a stronger voice and supports us to innovate. “The addition of UCLan, a university with a proud history, strong civic mission and a focus closely aligned to the needs of the economy, will help us as we continue to go from strength to strength as a group of institutions.” Professor Mike Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Central Lancashire, sai…

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  4. Christmas card competition 2016

    …e: midday, Wednesday 30 November 2016. Submission: Send your image to with the subject line ‘Christmas card competition 2016’. Please include your name, course/occupation with the name of the university you attend. Competition rules This competition is open to students and staff at University Alliance institutions. A maximum of two front covers will be accepted per entrant. The University Alliance logo should be included…

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  5. The Daphne Jackson Trust

    …rceful are just a few adjectives that describe these women, and more recently men, who have been helped by the Trust. My supposedly predictable role proved anything but and I am delighted that 12 years on I am the Chief Executive of a charity that is going from strength to strength and increasing its influence. Barriers faced by returners I am often disturbed by the anecdotal evidence I hear about employers who do not value staff who are parents a…

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  6. Utilising self-reflective learning to promote excellent teaching – Scholarships of teaching and learning (SoTL): University of Salford

    …pt in Academic Development. International Journal for Academic Development. 19 (3) 186-98 Fanghanel, J. et al (2016). ‘Defining and Supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): A sector wide study’. Higher Education Academy. [Accessed: 23/8/16] Kanuka, H. (2011). ‘Keeping the Scholarship in the Scholarship of Teachin…

    Read more of: Utilising self-reflective learning to promote excellent teaching – Scholarships of teaching and learning (SoTL): University of Salford
  7. RIT and employability: Kingston University

    …Live Projects.’ In H. Harriss & L. Widder (Eds) Architecture Live Projects: Pedagogy into Practice Routledge: Oxford Collis, B. & Moonen, J. (2011). ‘Flexibility in Higher Education: Revisiting Expectations’. Communicar. English Ed. 19 (37) 15 Kettle, J. (2013). ‘Flexible Pedagogies: Employer Engagement and Work-Based Learning’ Higher Education Academy. [Accessed: 23/8/16] Back t…

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  8. Adapting buildings for future climate change – conference June 2017

    …sks. Important dates Submission of abstracts: 1st February 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance: 2nd March 2017 Submission of paper: 1st April 2017 Notification of paper acceptance: 2nd May 2017 Early registration: details to follow Conference days: 28th – 30th June 2017 (Wednesday-Friday) Further information and submission guidelines can be found at…

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  9. Professor John Latham announced as new Alliance chair

    …ith the Higher Education and Research Bill. We will be working constructively to ensure the legislation receives proper scrutiny and that the new system puts students at the heart of the system and supports research excellence wherever it is found.” Commenting, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “We welcome Professor John Latham to his role as Chair of University Alliance. For Britain and for the higher education sector it…

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  10. Applications open for Royal Society’s pairing scheme

    …e among those taking part in the scheme last year. Professor Baines has analysed many aspects of health care efficiency over a 20 year career. He was paired with Lord Prior of Brampton who is Minister for NHS Productivity and Efficiency and a member of the House of Lords. Dr Nebel shadowed Graham Dean, Higher Scientific Officer at the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST). For more information about the scheme and to apply p…

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