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  1. Innovate for Growth: preventing the ERDF cliff-edge 

    …nds of funding and support opportunities, I believe funding options will become extremely competitive and may become bias towards certain industry sectors, leaving the ecosystem unbalanced.” Wendy McCristal, Director, The Mental Wealth Company “Starting a small business just before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic could have spelled the end of my business. Having free access to training that helped me to grow my business, network with other…

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  2. 2012 Autumn Statement: Our comment

    …iversities are positioned and ready to deliver the knowledge, networks and communities of the future. Reduced funding from Government is no excuse for limited ambition. Our world class sector can flourish, given a clear and ambitious long-term vision of universities. We remain committed to working with Government to direct their investment towards sustaining a healthy, diverse, world-class university sector that contributes to the UK’s economic re…

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  3. Commuting students – enhancing a different student experience

    …mmuting students) often benefits all. While some ideas specifically target commuters, such as ‘Commuters Connect’, an online space set up by our Students Union to help commuters network and engage, many do not. By listening to the voices of our commuters, we realise they are asking for flexibility and choice in how or when they study, socialise or communicate with us. And that flexibility and choice benefits all students – even on campus students…

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  4. Braveheart Award

    …und students as super spreaders, to name but a few. • Jane’s decisions to refund university accommodation fees, direct student funding to those in need, commissioning a welfare check ins for every student, providing training for staff to deliver their programmes completely online and providing extensive mental health support to students and staff. and diverting approx. Jane invested approximately £3million in funding to our covid response. • This…

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  5. Response to HEFCE announcement on student number controls for 2012-13

    …in 2012-13, or transferring to further education, means that there will be 20,000 fewer young people able to go to university compared to last year. These cuts to university places will result in thousands of young people joining the growing number who are unemployed. This is not good for them and it is certainly not good for the UK economy.” “Our new report, ‘The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass’ argues that t…

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  6. Budget 2012 – Our response

    …growth. Universities are key to unlocking this hidden potential and we welcome further support to strengthen the collaborations that already exist between universities and business. Our international competitors are investing heavily in universities, so this move will certainly go someway in helping us retain our place in the global market. Our Open Doors project highlights the experiences that businesses have with universities and the benefits t…

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  7. Why universities are the best places to start a business

    …mploying 15,588 staff, receiving investments totalling £28.5m and having a combined turnover in 2012-13 of £376m. Bricks and ideas In my view there are three elements that make many of our universities the best place to start a business. First are the connections and networks they provide. Universities are often at the heart of local economies. They are often uniquely placed to bring together users and experts to identify issues, generate solution…

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  8. University Alliance responds to the Office for Students’ free speech complaints scheme consultation

    …after that process has formally concluded and they are unhappy with the outcome. A complainant should only be able to access the OfS’ complaints scheme after 90 calendar days have passed since they submitted a complaint to the provider’s internal complaints process. This is in line with the requirements of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator’s (OIA) complaints scheme. There should be a 12-month deadline for the submission of complaints to th…

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  9. Women in research

    …roductive in nature, applying insights from research within the context of Communities of Practice and complex systems. She has led submissions to relevant government enquiries in relation to women’s equality, disability and youth disadvantage (e.g. Prof Hart has built a highly successful social enterprise Boingboing (, which is a key vehicle for her co-p…

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  10. Apprenticeships fit for the twenty first century

    …how we can make that progress sustainable. Some agreement about long-term commitments, defining who acts as the central point of advice and coordination for those wanting to get involved and recognising collaboration to share risks would help to grow the numbers further. Universities UK’s report, published this week, provides constructive recommendations for how government can provide clarity on the policy in the longer term and how employers and…

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