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The latest announcements, press releases and media coverage from University Alliance.

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  1. A vision for growth: University Alliance outlines six actions the government can take to drive growth through universities

    …ty Alliance’s blueprint for lifelong learning Streamline the regulation of degree apprenticeships Bring universities to the table for NHS workforce planning Integrate R&D into regional economic development Put innovation at the heart of research collaboration Prevent regulatory barriers to international higher education exports University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “We are facing one of the most challenging winters for a generation. We join…

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  2. University Alliance responds to DfE announcement on levelling up plans for universities

    …ployers to develop flexible, innovative higher technical provision such as degree apprenticeships and higher technical qualifications. They also work closely with their local schools and colleges of Further Education, and a number have established partnerships with multi-academy trusts (MATs). Many Alliance university students are the first in their family to go on to higher education, and on average a quarter of our students in England are eligib…

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  3. University Alliance responds to OfS Quality and Standards conditions consultation

    …franchise provision, and non-OfS funded provision such as ITT training and degree apprenticeships. We have serious concerns about the extension of regulatory oversight to these areas and are calling on OfS to undertake an impact assessment of the proposals on partnerships, both international and domestic. Moreover, the content of Condition B3 and the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) will not be consulted on until later this…

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  4. UK universities are not obstacles the government needs to overcome

    …provision and enables more accessible higher technical options, including degree apprenticeships. Critics are often quick to paint the sector as self-interested, but this past year has also shown that universities of all kinds continue to be driven by their civic missions. The University Alliance’s “Powering the UK’s Future” campaign, launched at the end of March, underlines the genuine commitment that we all have to playing our part in the comin…

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  5. University Alliance responds to the budget.

    …pportunities was also pleasing to see; as some of the largest providers of degree apprenticeships, Alliance universities look forward to delivering on this strategic agenda. “Whilst the Levelling-up fund prospectus rightly acknowledges universities as stakeholders, we are concerned that they are not captured as delivery partners for the fund. R&D is also notably absent in the ambitions of the Levelling Up Fund, despite university R&D playing an al…

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    Vanessa Wilson CEO
  6. University Alliance responds to government announcements on PQA and LLE reforms

    …rt this. Ensuring that prospective students have the opportunity to earn a degree or further training within a flexible model that suits them, no matter their age or background, is essential for levelling up, social mobility and providing the UK’s workforce with the right skills to power a global economy. We welcome the long-awaited confirmation that the student finance package for Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) will be put on a par with d…

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  7. University Alliance responds to government reform of post-16 qualifications

    …ed backgrounds, to access academic, vocational, professional and technical degrees. Whilst we are fully supportive of the new T Levels, they should not come at the expense of choice and the flexibility to blend academic, vocational and technical qualifications. The new system will ultimately create a binary divide between academic and technical skills, which is not reflective of higher education; the future of work or indeed the skills that employ…

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  8. University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson speaks at Westminster Higher Education Forum (WHEF)

    …eighing up future career prospects when considering whether to invest in a degree Narrow debate focuses on graduate earnings but universities are delivering not only career-specific training and pathways, but importantly, transferable skills and personal capabilities that will enable graduates to succeed in an ever-evolving and potentially uncertain job market   The tragedy of the misrepresentation of Higher Education Greatest misrepresentation is…

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  9. University Alliance responds to the budget

    …also welcome the commitment to Institutes of Technology and increasing the apprenticeships budget, which will support our work in upskilling, reskilling, and meeting local workforce needs. As the Chancellor emphasised, the “awesome power of opportunity” should not be limited to a wealthy few, which is central to our missions as professional and technical universities working at the heart of our local communities across the UK. We hope this ambitio…

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  10. Taskforce on research sustainability needs creative solutions

    …nemployment. Due to the looming economic crisis, many firms are cancelling apprenticeships and graduate roles—and as this affects industry supply chains, unemployment is due to rise further. Alliance universities are closely connected and have the knowledge exchange maturity to bring together students, graduates, researchers, industry experts and businesses to address challenges facing industry. Paid-for support for placements or paid internships…

    Read more of: Taskforce on research sustainability needs creative solutions