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  1. Maddalaine Ansell article on ‘The Comprehensive University’

    …le born after 1970 won’t be able to draw their state pension until they are 68. Blackman’s proposals are radical and, because of current higher-education policy, unworkable. But they do spark ideas that could be made flesh. Most modern graduates will be working for around 50 years and hopefully living for longer still. They will probably change careers several times during this period and constantly develop their skills and experience, so certainl…

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  2. University Alliance write letter to Schools Minister to raise concerns over ITT market review recommendations

    …hom play a significant role in the delivery of teacher training across the UK. We would like to reflect our significant concerns regarding the Initial Teacher Training Market Review and urge you to take immediate action, or risk irreversibly destabilising teacher recruitment and exacerbating teacher supply issues in this country. We are already seeing worrying recruitment trends in teacher training across the UK, especially at secondary level. The…

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  3. Innovate for Growth: preventing the ERDF cliff-edge 

    …projects, social enterprises and other ventures in regions throughout the UK.    How does the ERDF support SMEs?   ERDF funding is leveraged by universities across the UK to support SMEs in their local communities grow and innovate. University Alliance members estimate they have supported over 15,000 SMEs in their local areas to start-up and grow since the ERDF was introduced, making significant contributions to their local economies.  Universiti…

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  4. University of Greenwich support local Mutual Aid group during COVID-19

    …In Greenwich, the university gave use of its onsite kitchens to the local Greenwich Mutual Aid group, and staff members and students supported vulnerable people with prescription collection, deliveries and food parcels to those vulnerable people from across the local area. Find out more about how the University of Greenwich aided in their local coronavirus efforts here….

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  5. We need a bold and long-term vision for our universities

    …bby Hackett Andrew Henry, Communications Manager ( | 07833 236 629. Sam Jones, Head of Communications ( | 07767 673 982. Notes to editor University Alliance website: Embargoed copy of the report can be obtained by contacting Liz McCarty (tel 0117 931 7431) or Philip Walker (tel 0117 931 7363) at HEFCE. For more information on university_vision go to, www.universityvision….

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  6. What does research-informed teaching (RIT) look like?

    …A sector wide study. The Higher Education Academy. [Accessed: 23/8/16] Healey, M., Flint, A. & Harrington, K. (2014) Engagement Through Partnership: Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. The Higher Education Academy. […

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  7. Spaces that inspire

    …erendipity zones such as hallways and staircases as sites for productive encounters. The building clearly inspired its occupants to do great things and it is fitting that when the building was finally demolished in 1998 and replaced by the Frank Gehry-designed Stata Center, a key requirement of the brief was to replicate the magic of Building 20. It remains to be seen if the Stata Center inspires more than Building 20. Footnotes 8 Brighton Waste H…

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  8. Braveheart Award

    …k is “coming from the heart” and “so honest”. Her resources ( for developing anti-racist practice have been commended by educators for providing “very practical suggestions” at a critical time for fighting racism in British higher education institutions. This is a blog post authored by Louise and published by AdvanceHE in which she describes the ways she is developing anti-racist practice…

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  9. Global impact

    …e to hazardous substances and to evaluate mass casualty decontamination outcomes. The research resulted in the development of new policy guidance for emergency response teams dealing with the event of chemical or biological attacks being adopted by both the US and UK Governments. The guidance was followed as part of the UK emergency services response to the Salisbury attack in March 2018. Teesside University- protecting users from counterfeit medi…

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