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  1. Collaboration by design

    …academic ethos that are becoming second nature to staff and students after 12 months. Principal amongst these is the emphasis upon ‘live briefs’ – projects designed in collaboration with industry that challenge students to deliver solutions to ‘real world’ problems. This is facilitated by bringing students together from different disciplines and different levels of study for delivery of tangible outputs. This is not just a theoretical whim. It is…

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  2. Tegan’s story – Robert Gordon University

    …in the Journalism industry, I found myself doing the same but with graphic design instead. From posting my designs on social media, I began realising there was something here and that despite my lack of experience, people wanted to work with me. As my eyes were opened to the possibility of doing this as a career, I built up a portfolio of work and continued to add to it over time. The feedback I received helped me gain confidence in my abilities a…

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  3. Teaching & curriculum development: A cut above with fashion course

    …on to the creative industries. The first year of the degree introduces the design process and design product. In Year 2, students participate in live, industry-sponsored projects and competitions. A number of top labels collaborate on these, offering some of the highest-achieving students paid summer internships in New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam and Stockholm. Many members of staff work in relevant industry sectors. Students also get their own…

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  4. Getting to grips with teaching excellence

    …ersity brought along the latest additions to their ‘AI family’ including a humanoid robot developed and designed by Alex Austin, the university’s new technician in robotics. Third year robotic students assemble and programme the robot as part of their degree, while new 3D printers at the university are used to produce different components such as its arms and legs. Our three students speakers Scott Smallman, Jamie Rawsthorne and Elizabeth Ajayi wi…

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  5. Using bees’ communication patterns to improve energy efficiency in homes

    …ectively. The idea is to use that communication protocol and adjust it for human behaviour.” The team, made up of biology, energy and biomimetics experts, architects, as well as a human geography, will then call on the opinion of the wider public who, via an app, will share their views on whether they think the system works. This feedback will enable the researchers to try and understand whether, when accessing this new communication method, peopl…

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  6. Transforming reconstructive surgery through innovative design technologies

    …n be ‘mirrored’ to the damaged side to create a naturally shaped plate. As humans are never symmetrical, further sculpting can be carried out during the design process to make sure the prosthetic device fits first time. This has allowed hospitals to shrink the typical ‘fitting’ time of up to a year down to just six weeks and reduce the number of invasive patient interactions from four to just one. This helps cut the risk of infection and discomfor…

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  7. South Wales: Mathew’s story

    …itable electrical strategies Site visits to check for any deviations from ARUPs design Alongside his role at Arup, Mathew is completing his degree including working on his final year project. “As part of my Degree Apprenticeship, I was required to complete a work-based dissertation project. I chose to create a template office building, I designed the electrical services for this office while taking into consideration future developments such as sm…

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  8. An excellent Christmas card for 2017

    …This year’s theme was ‘excellence’ and Georgie explained what inspired her design: “I was influenced by the carol, ‘Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer’ and the lyric ‘Join in any reindeer games‘. I used this as a narrative element in my design, showing the reindeer as the ‘winner’ (signifying excellence) of these ‘reindeer games’, as if they were an event like the Olympics. We had 40 entries from students at Alliance universities, and this year, two ju…

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  9. Partnership will explore use of robots to improve patient care

    …botics can enable a more effective use of the existing workforce, allowing humans to give the human contact and robots to be used as smart tools to support and complement their work. As such, they can improve the value that is added beyond what is currently available.” North Bristol NHS Trust Clinical Director for Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal, Mr Tim Whittlestone, said: “We have an ageing population requiring ever more complex tre…

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