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  1. Lifelong Learning – is it worth the hard yards?

    …ather conditions; meticulous preparation must be done beforehand. Pre-requisite ability to participate is evaluated and a range of other intricacies must be considered: arming yourself with the right equipment, training both physically and mentally, and allocating enough time to carry this out. Is it worth it? I think you can see where I’m going with this. And I’d have to say that I believe it will be. Universities are race-ready As a member of th…

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  2. University Alliance respond to the Department for Education’s consultation on the de-designation of QAA as the Designated Quality Body in England

    …nder the circumstances, as there is no other organisation with the prerequisite expertise that could fulfil the DQB role right now. “We strongly support UUK’s call for an independent review of these interim arrangements. It is vital that they are not made permanent by default, and that there is a robust assessment of their impact that takes in the views of a wide range of stakeholders, including higher education providers. “We would like to see th…

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  3. Under attack: it’s time universities responded seriously to the worsening threat of cybercrime

    …e past year, with cybercriminals causing extensive disruption to phone, website, and IT systems, leaving institutions scrambling to get students on-campus again after a post-pandemic switch to hybrid learning. Others have suffered network outages lasting days after ransomware locked-up systems, creating significant additional costs when said systems needed to be rebuilt. And unfortunately, we can be certain that this threat will only get worse. Ea…

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  4. University Alliance responds to OfS consultations on TEF, student outcomes and the construction of indicators

    …, communities and employers. However, recent proposals risk having the opposite effect. For every minute of staff time that goes in to responding to consultations, gathering data and reporting on outcomes, a minute less can be spent on teaching, student support and research. Adding to this administrative burden, while also cutting university funding by stealth through a tuition fee freeze, is unlikely to lead to an increase in quality. We are call…

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  5. Dr. Sally Akehurst

    …er how this made me feel and made me even more determined to prove the opposite. It is not about appearance, but it is about professionalism, skill, knowledge, and performance. We need to challenge these stereotypical beliefs and behaviours, and create environments that are diverse and inclusive so that women do not feel like intruders and can embrace the world of science positively. Then we can benefit from the broadest range of talent and maximi…

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