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  1. Leeds Beckett University develop whole system approach to tackling obesity for Public Health England

    …ent individual and socio-environmental level factors all interact dynamically to affect behaviour. Therefore, to help to address this epidemic, we need to look across all the different factors and explore what can be done over the short, medium and long term. Most Local Authorities will have some strategies and programmes in place to tackle obesity. By taking a whole systems approach, we can add value by providing the opportunity to engage stakeho…

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  2. A Nursing academic at the University of South Wales has helped develop a new tool to support people with a learning disability in Wales.

    …ol that will be used throughout Wales aims to ensure that the tool is clearly recognised by all healthcare professionals. “Guidance has been developed to accompany this for people with a learning disability, their families and carers, and for health professionals to assist with the completion of the tool and understanding how it should be used.” Listen to a podcast from Prof Northway – who is also head of the Unit for Development in Intellectual a…

    Read more of: A Nursing academic at the University of South Wales has helped develop a new tool to support people with a learning disability in Wales.
  3. Powering jobs and the recovery

    …ay in supporting the lifelong learning, upskilling and reskilling desperately needed to kick-start an economic recovery, and how they can drive local growth and regeneration through this work. The campaign will feature case studies and content from UA’s members, and examples of partnerships with major national employers and local SME’s across the country.  …

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  4. Partnership will explore use of robots to improve patient care

    …ance to regularly eat, drink and exercise, helping them to recover physically and mentally in conjunction with their therapy team. Robots connected to smart sensing devices could also be used to help patients recover in the comfort of their own homes. They in future may also be able to assist nurses and doctors back at Southmead when extra treatment or a visit is needed. Professor Praminda Caleb-Solly, leading research in Assistive Robotics and In…

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  5. Assessment Centre Experience

    …er. After attending ACE, students reported an increase in confidence in applying for placements and graduate schemes. On average, 14% of students felt confident in these applications prior to ACE. Post ACE this increased to 58% of students feeling confident or very confident. The programme has been embedded into the majority of level 5 undergraduate courses.…

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  6. Developing cutting-edge technology in small businesses across Wales with CEMET and USW

    …PR, in real situations they didn’t feel confident to act. To solve this problem, they teamed up with CEMET to help create a more interactive training solution that would recreate a real-life scenario with the aim of giving people that confidence to act quickly in an emergency situation. Four Minutes Limited turned to mixed reality to provide a sensory, immersive experience where the participant witnesses a real emergency situation and can take the…

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  7. UA partnership with 10000BlackInterns programme to deliver transformative opportunities for Black students

    …versity of Brighton and Chair of University Alliance said: “We are incredibly proud to lead the support of #10000BlackInterns across the Higher Education sector. Alliance university students are amongst the most diverse in the country, and we are deeply committed to supporting racial equity within our institutions, communities and wider society. We look forward to working with our partners across the #10000BlackInterns programme to increase the tr…

    Read more of: UA partnership with 10000BlackInterns programme to deliver transformative opportunities for Black students
  8. University Alliance responds to review of post-16 level 3 and below qualifications

    …gression of students with applied general qualifications (AGQs), particularly BTEC Nationals, to higher education has a significant impact on widening participation. It is important that we continue to build on research, interventions and investment in addressing barriers to access, transition, retention and success, and ensure that BTEC students are not overlooked as a widening participation cohort. Qualifications for 16- 19 year olds should ensu…

    Read more of: University Alliance responds to review of post-16 level 3 and below qualifications
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