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  1. Driving Academic Diversity in our Media Voices campaign

    …in. The launch To launch the campaign we held an online event on 27th April 2021, which included some brief presentations from University Alliance and campaign partners Communications Management on the background of the campaign, which was followed by a discussion with a panel of speakers. They covered the context surrounding the lack of diversity in academic voices within the media, the reason that many diverse academics – particularly those from…

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  2. Connecting people to employment in computing at Birmingham City University

    …g to help build our economy.” Associate Professor Rehan Bhana The business community is very wary of the cyber threats challenging the UK economy, government reports since 2018 indicate only a 6% reduction in the lack of cybersecurity technical skills, maintaining a 48% of all UK business surveyed in 2021 primarily due to unfilled recruitment and continuous rise in threats causing an increased talent demand. In the latest calendar reporting period…

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  3. University Alliance submission to Higher Education Commission’s University Research and Regional Levelling-Up Inquiry

    …uence the various priorities and investments related to ‘levelling-up’- hopefully to be addressed in the forthcoming Levelling Up White Paper later this year. Universities should be key stakeholders in the engagement leading up to its publication. Definitions of place should be flexible, but it is important not to lose sight of measures of success and impact at different ‘levels’ of places as a result. It will be vital that UKRI is systematically…

    Read more of: University Alliance submission to Higher Education Commission’s University Research and Regional Levelling-Up Inquiry
  4. Driving academic diversity in our media voices’ campaign launch

    …Decoloniality in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University Marverine Duffy is Course Director for Journalism at Birmingham City University and a core member of the team at BCU’s Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity Justin Shaw is Chief Higher Education Consultant with Communications Management, and Director of UK Development at ExpertFile Beth Button is Head of Communications and Public Affairs at University Alliance Vane…

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  5. Hertfordshire’s Community Garden Project

    …eraldine Ward, Dean of Students at University of Hertfordshire, said: “The Community Garden initiative was set up in 2018 and has been very popular with students, but these spaces has become more vital during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The areas are available to all students and staff, offering a fantastic volunteering opportunity for students to get outside and help maintain the plots. “Gardening is not only a great way to improve our green sp…

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  6. South Wales: Mathew’s story

    …for any deviations from ARUPs design Alongside his role at Arup, Mathew is completing his degree including working on his final year project. “As part of my Degree Apprenticeship, I was required to complete a work-based dissertation project. I chose to create a template office building, I designed the electrical services for this office while taking into consideration future developments such as smart building technology and Internet of things (Io…

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  7. University Alliance Christmas Card Competition Winner Announced

    …he illustration, a group of students are working collaboratively to achieve a mutual goal. Everyone feels comfortable in their equal share, they seem to enjoy working together and have a good connection.” The winning design will now become University Alliance’s 2019 Christmas Card, sent to key stakeholder across universities, the Higher Education sector and the government. Hanna will also receive a £50 voucher. You can find more of Hanna’s work In…

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  8. Telegraph: Universities will see their funding increase after Brexit, education select committee says

    …here. Alliance Vice-Chancellors gave oral evidence to the Education Select Committee in January 2017 as part of the inquiry. Professor John Latham, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, and Professor Alistair Fitt, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and the Alliance’s research lead, both shared their thoughts on the implications for the sector. The transcript and video are online here. In August 2016, U…

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  9. Cultural enrichment: Contemporary music festival attracts new audiences and engages local community

    …periences with adults, such as the elderly and marginalised members of the community. hcmf// is committed to offering a free events programme, most notably hcmf// shorts, where new audiences can engage with the festival through a series of short, accessible performances. In 2015, 18 events were presented in total and over 1,700 people attended the day. The University of Huddersfield received the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for world-leading work to…

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