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  1. Research-Informed Teaching: A SPUR to undergraduate research accomplishment

    …and exciting ways following participation in the scheme, giving the wider community of students the benefit of learning through research. The typology is currently being utilised as a curriculum development tool to create further opportunities for staff-student research collaboration across all subject areas as part of an institutional curriculum refresh. Its use as a general framework supports a shared understanding of undergraduate research acr…

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  2. Apprenticeships fit for the twenty first century

    …how we can make that progress sustainable. Some agreement about long-term commitments, defining who acts as the central point of advice and coordination for those wanting to get involved and recognising collaboration to share risks would help to grow the numbers further. Universities UK’s report, published this week, provides constructive recommendations for how government can provide clarity on the policy in the longer term and how employers and…

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  3. Teaching and training: The Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise

    …d therapists) treat patients under the supervision of a trained dentist. In 2015, 267 students delivered 88,210 clinical procedures across 20,182 appointments. Where treatments are beyond the capabilities of students, they are handled by staff. It’s a model of education that has also been replicated in optometry, through the University’s Centre for Eyecare Excellence, which takes walk-in cases in Plymouth and offers a range of specialist services,…

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  4. CPD: increasing confidence and training in wound management using larvae

    …er, a barrier to the use of this therapy is in encouraging clinicians to become confident and competent in using this approach. The company set up a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the University of South Wales to develop a bespoke, online academy of wound management called the Larval Academy. The content and platform were designed to meet the learner’s needs in each market and can be adapted for medical legislation in different countries. Thr…

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  5. Drawing from a wider pool

    …and a great experience that will stay with them long after they may have left the company. For me there are two things we need to focus on: 1) To be successful in a modern economy we need to utilise all of our talent, and 2) Businesses need to change how they find, recruit and retain the very best talent to achieve this. Of course it is not just about the employer. In the 21st century the need for businesses and education providers to collaborate…

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  6. Quality of UK HE will be number one issue during expansion

    …l be an additional 60,000 entrants into higher education from 2015-16. From 2011-12 to 2014-15 the total Student Loan Council funding for students at alternative providers is projected to increase nine-fold. The report, ‘How do we ensure quality in an expanding higher education system’, considers what kind of quality assurance measures would be fit for purpose in a more complex new world of expanding higher education. It states that while the curr…

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  7. Why more shouldn’t mean worse

    …o go away. Fair admissions needs protecting – no-one wants to see students coming in who are unable to benefit from HE – but we need to avoid blunt policy responses. We do not support the introduction of the blunt instrument of centrally-imposed minimum entry requirements. There is a need for creative thinking around further ways to support retention. When data allows, the funding system should be adjusted to provide further incentives. Finally, q…

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  8. Let's talk about social mobility for the many

    …ility and Child Poverty Commission’s recent report, makes some ambitious recommendations about how to promote social mobility in the UK, which should be welcomed. It highlights how education, including higher education, has the ability to transform lives and says that a degree is one of the best guarantees of stable employment and economic security over a lifetime: with an earnings boost of £100,000. In fact we know from recent research, from the…

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  9. Five reasons to love Witty

    …role universities can play in their regions beyond their research mission. Competition for funding often means that the extent of complementarity and cooperation between universities, research centres, and indeed business, is underplayed. Witty is right to focus on this issue and his proposal for Arrow Projects seems to draw lessons from previous initiatives such as the Catapults. Collaborative projects such as this must draw together our best tal…

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  10. Comprehensive Spending Review 2021

    In response to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2021, University Alliance have produced this briefing, outlining how our members can support the achievement of government priorities and Power the UK’s future. A diverse, healthy, and sustainable post-18 education sector will: Train and upskill the future workforce of the NHS and public services. Generate jobs and provide critical industry skills. Regenerate communities and grow local businesses….

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