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  1. Welcome to the University Alliance Summit 2020

    …University’s new Town House Building, we are so pleased that we can still come together online. We hope that our free virtual event affords our colleagues across the Alliance a chance to come together and hear from a range of external speakers and discuss how, as professional and technical universities, we are learning, responding and adapting to the challenges posed by the pandemic, and how we can continue our ambitions to serve our communities…

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  2. The University of Hertfordshire’s holistic approach to research-led innovation and entrepreneurship

    …orming lives. An example is our free-to-access Business Incubator Programme. A 12-month, cohort-based programme for early-stage innovative businesses, it includes guided sessions on core business areas including value proposition design and business model consolidation; plus one-to-one business mentoring and access to modern, co-working spaces, networking opportunities and access to mentoring from our business advisors and Entrepreneurs in Residen…

    Read more of: The University of Hertfordshire’s holistic approach to research-led innovation and entrepreneurship
  3. 2023 in review

    …ore with Labour as their thinking around the apprenticeship levy solidifies. 6. The final phase of DTA3 2023 saw the final phase of our DTA3/COFUND programme, a £6.5million EU grant that funded 71 research fellows across our 15 university partners. Fellows led cutting-edge research in areas including boarder policing, cancer therapies, wind turbines, and gardening as a treatment for people with dementia! Our community of international alum come fr…

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  4. University-business coalition calls on Chancellor to invest in Innovation for Growth

    …ding in private spending. £1 of public R&D eventually stimulates between £1.96 and £2.34 of private R&D. There is world-leading research and impact happening in every type of university and every UK nation and English region. We are optimistic about our country’s ability to generate and apply the new ideas we need to deliver a thriving green economy. We ask you to put your faith in the ingenuity and invention of our people, institutions and commun…

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    Innovation For Growth
  5. Low energy thermometers at Anglia Ruskin University

    …llaboration is centred on a project that is of strategic importance to the company. The project involves a graduate known as an Associate to facilitate the transfer of skills and expertise. The Associate is employed by the University but for the majority of the project works at the company. The partnership is also supported by an academic supervisor will typically spend around 10% of their time providing academic expertise. Low carbon KEEP: 85 job…

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  6. DTA Images of Research Awards winners reflect on their achievements

    …ergy, Kingston University) for her image The snow never bothered me anyway!. Commenting on her win, Ifrah said: “I was taken by surprise when I heard that I won the DTA Images of Research 2020 Competition – People’s Choice Award. All the entries were amazing, and I loved learning about each and every research conducted my fellow DTA researchers. “I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. Presenting my work at WinterWind 2020 was one of the…

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  7. 3 years in 3 minutes: DTA student success in the 3MT

    …his year, soon after the lockdown started, I received an email for the 3MT competition. Although I was a bit occupied with my research, I still applied for the competition thinking that it might be my final year and I may never get to participate again in a competition that is specifically designed for research students. I was extremely happy to be shortlisted and decided to give it my best shot thinking: how hard could it really be? But before I…

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  8. Regional Investment, European Funding and Defining Value: The Future Challenges for Research

    …to reaching the target of spending 2.4 per cent of GDP on R&D. This should combine commitments to both excellence and fair distribution. Those of us championing a place-based agenda need to find new arguments to navigate these complex issues, while avoiding simplistic interpretations such as the north-south divide and cities vs towns. These ignore the poverty in parts of London and the southwest and the affluence of some towns. The other divide in…

    Read more of: Regional Investment, European Funding and Defining Value: The Future Challenges for Research
  9. The rise of the (all-singing, all-dancing) robots

    …itute for Advanced Manufacturing made incredibly precise movements along a complex path. Dancing contentedly throughout the exhibition was a nao robot, which is part of a project by PhD research student Ariel Ruiz-Garcia from the university’s School of Computing, Electronics and Maths. His project is studying emotion recognition and empathy imitation in a social robot. (See the video at the end of this blog). Social robots can provide companionshi…

    Read more of: The rise of the (all-singing, all-dancing) robots