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  1. New publication demonstrates scale of impact delivered by Research and Innovation at Alliance universities.

    …earchers, and expand the diversity of R&D talent pipelines. “Our universities are committed to taking action to progress equality, diversity and inclusion across our research programmes, our institutions, and in wider society, but we also recognise that we have a long way to go to truly realise this ambition. In the coming weeks, months and years, I look forward to working with my colleagues across the Alliance on driving through long-term strateg…

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  2. Chair-based exercise routine created by Oxford Brookes to help people stay active and healthy during lockdown

    …hose daily routine, health and wellbeing has been affected or disrupted by COVID-19. The ten-minute programme is particularly appropriate for people with mobility problems, long-term health issues and those whose normal daily activities have been restricted by the lockdown. In short: The chair-based exercise programme was devised during the first few days of the Covid-19 lockdown by researchers from the Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabi…

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  3. Hertfordshire study finds pandemic increases dietary health inequalities in the East of England

    …lities in the East of England region. In short: Households who are relatively financially secure have been able to spend time improving their diets during lockdown, whereas those struggling financially or in economic hardship have experienced their diets worsening. Job losses have meant that people in the region have sometimes had to engage with the benefits system and food banks for the first time, both of which were reported to be traumatic and…

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  4. Coventry University appoint 50 student ambassadors to safeguard people on campus

    …role has been enhanced and the purpose is to support and welcome students to Coventry University and to give additional guidance in very unprecedented times due to Covid-19. “It’s a worrying time for many students, so we wanted a friendly approach to supporting them, encouraging social distancing, safely guiding them to the right buildings at the right times and ensuring they follow the updated relevant safety rules.” Visit the Coventry University…

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  5. Universities need stability this autumn

    …r. The increased demand for university places is to be welcomed, particularly on strategically important courses such as healthcare. However, there are very real, practical challenges facing an already stretched sector as a result. We welcomed the announcement by universities minister Michelle Donelan of £10 million in additional funding for capital investment, but these challenges will require innovative policy solutions, not just finances. Place…

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  6. UA comments on A-level grading

    …number of challenges for universities, particularly with capacity on those courses which require practical delivery and placements, and decisions are being taken against a backdrop of ensuring staff and students are kept safe from Covid. As a member of the newly established ministerial Higher Education Taskforce, University Alliance will address these challenges and will look to ensure universities are supported in managing this transition and cha…

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  7. Anglia Ruskin University joins the University Alliance

    …ming months. We want to support Alliance universities in realising their ambitions to serve their communities and power the national economic, social and cultural recovery post Covid-19.” Professor Roderick Watkins, Vice-Chancellor of Anglia Ruskin University said: “As one of the leading providers of public service degrees in the country, we are very proud of the innovative, inclusive and entrepreneurial education and research taking place at ARU….

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  8. UA welcomes government support package

    …of key workers. “Hosting a Nightingale Field Hospital, developing a rapid Covid-19 test, supporting students to graduate early and staff to return to work on the frontline and manufacturing PPE are just some of the many ways Alliance universities have been supporting the national effort to tackle the pandemic. Since the beginning of this crisis, we have also been clear that with the right support, universities will be able to play a key role in t…

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  9. University Alliance supports UUK proposals to provide financial stability to the sector

    …ducation sector is able to overcome the financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The support will mean universities are able to play a central role in the national recovery efforts after the crisis. Responding to the announcement, Professor Debra Humphris, Vice Chancellor of University of Brighton and Chair of University Alliance said: “Given the central role universities across the country play in serving their communities and suppor…

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  10. Greenwich study shows the good, the bad and the ugly of COVID-19 enforced work from home

    …of boundaries between work and home proved challenging for some, particularly those with family commitments. They reported that frequent meetings could feel burdensome as they tried to simultaneously manage work duties with children and other carer responsibilities. Particularly for those respondents who usually work offsite, EWFH created a welcome sense of inclusivity and collegiality. This was largely because teams used the same technology chann…

    Read more of: Greenwich study shows the good, the bad and the ugly of COVID-19 enforced work from home