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  1. Open letter to Professor Alison Wolf and Jeremy Warner

    …r education learning into the fast-developing industry environment; and recruiting educators from industry. All of our students, whether on an allied health degree, a world-leading animation degree or the UK’s top marine biology degree, are exposed to the latest in industry technology and developments. For example, we have the only engineering school co-established and co-delivered with industry, where students, academics and established engineers…

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  2. University Alliance welcome new national centre of university-business collaboration

    …example the new Enterprise and Innovation Centre at Huddersfield, a groundbreaking model for making collaboration work effectively. “What the new CIHE centre needs to avoid doing is recreating the wheel or to be just another talking shop for ideas. This is where close engagement across this sector and business is key. The way it is funded will play a critical role in this. Public funding cannot be the only source; it must seek more innovative fun…

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  3. The best of both worlds

    …r to learn a craft or trade and acquire the high status that came with it? Today’s modern apprentices couldn’t be more different from their historical forerunners. In recent years,apprenticeships have made a massive comeback to provide young people (and indeed those of all ages) the option of earning money and kick-starting their career – while receiving the high quality and relevant training, knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Degree Appr…

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  4. The DTA on Screen

    …me the Doctoral Training Alliance. The Doctoral Training Alliance has been running since 2015, funding students to conduct ground-breaking research in the fields of Applied Biosciences for Health, Energy and Social Policy. The DTA offers more than just financial support though, it also provides the academic and emotional support from supervisors and peers across all 20 programme members. As well as this, its focus is on training and preparing its…

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    Film crew
  5. University Alliance responds to DfE’s Initial Teacher Training Market Review consultation

    …meaningful collaboration and engagement with the sector in order to build trust and understanding of the true complexities and nuances involved in delivering teacher training thereby bringing the key agents of change on this important journey collectively to evolve teacher training together. An absence of clear and compelling evidence to demonstrate what exactly the quality issues are with the current teacher training system that have led to this…

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  6. New report finds collaboration and connectivity key to securing the future of UK research and innovation

    their DNA, demonstrating particular strengths that are well-suited to meet today’s challenges. The report concludes that continued and sustained investment is central to the success of the research and innovation ecosystem. Maddalaine Ansell, Chief Executive of University Alliance, said: “This is an important report. A world-class research and innovation ecosystem is critical to the UK’s competitiveness and well-being. “The challenge is to ensure…

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  7. Universities need stability this autumn

    …work by many staff in universities across the country. The general move to online learning has exposed some of the greatest inequalities in our system. Alliance universities donated thousands of pieces of IT equipment and made a considerable financial investment to ensure that no learner experienced digital poverty. With the blended learning approach set to continue, it will be vital to ensure no students fall through the gaps. Tougher tests to co…

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  8. Innovating Future Business

    …demonstrates a viable business with a low cost of entry, evidence of sound market research, and crucially, an innovative idea with the ‘wow’ factor. This is a great opportunity for participants to gain real-life experience. All entrants will receive advice and feedback on their ideas. Watch students pitch for investment at last year’s Creative Entrepreneur event held by Salford Business School here, and read how the competition has helped previous…

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    Innovating Future Business 2017
  9. University Alliance: Higher education and research priorities for the 2017 General Election

    …with impact – supporting new technologies and addressing the challenges of today’s society. We offer world-class research and development to businesses of all sizes and connect knowledge and people from across the world to the cities and regions of the UK. “The next government should commit to providing the regulatory and funding environment in which we can most effectively provide education and opportunity, create and exploit knowledge and attrac…

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  10. RAE Press Release: University Alliance

    …ded by the next generation of industry leaders. For the past two years, 3D World magazine has rated the NCCA as the best place to study computer animation in the UK. The publication also rated the Centre as number eight in the world. Other recent grant successes include £290,000 over three years from the EPSRC to improve the realism of animated virtual humans. These characters will be used by partners Lancaster, UCL and the Metropolitan Police to…

    Read more of: RAE Press Release: University Alliance