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  1. Quality of UK HE will be number one issue during expansion

    …ntrols are removed. It is imperative that we ensure that its standards are maintained and quality improved​. We need to be thoughtful and careful in safeguarding the reputation of UK higher education at a time when global higher education in a highly competitive market. “The growth of the higher education sector means we need to ensure the way it is regulated is fit for purpose and suitable for a rapidly changing world. Our new report looks at thi…

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  2. Continued decline in languages threatens our economic competitiveness

    …is compulsory at KS4 was 82% among independent schools but just 23% in the maintained sector. This unequal provision is starting to be mirrored in our universities. Alongside a long-term reduction in undergraduate student numbers (4.5% drop in on MFL programmes in English HEIs between 2001-2 and 2010/11) compared with a 5.6% growth of study of all subjects over the same period, there has been and a significant concentration of provision within the…

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  3. Party Conferences 2012

    …Mahmood MP; Professor Steve West; University Alliance Chair & UWE Vice Chancellor; Adrian Bailey MP; Libby Hackett; Barry Shearman MP; Liam Burns, NUS Presdient; Graeme Wise, NUS Assistant Director Policy; Emily Thomas, university_vision facilitator We hosted a roundtable with Shabana Mahmood MP and other Labour Parliamentarians with an interest in higher education. The main focus of the discussion was to look at the scenarios we have generated as…

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  4. The way we'll work

    …ing proportion of the total workforce. Graduate employment rates have been maintained despite the rapid expansion in the number of graduates. Added to all of this there is still a significant graduate premium. “Youth unemployment is at record levels while demand for going to university is high. Social mobility is at a standstill, yet we know that in our changing economy it is a university degree that creates more opportunities for people than anyt…

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  5. Graduate recruitment survey is good news for graduates and the economy

    …graduates who will help deliver growth to the UK economy. Our universities maintain a revolving door with business to help ensure graduate employers get innovative and thoughtful, professionally accredited graduates with the right skills to help grow their businesses. Alliance universities: Aberystwyth University, Bournemouth University, University of Bradford, De Montfort University, University of Glamorgan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Univers…

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  6. University Alliance calls for urgent public information campaign about a University Graduate Contribution Scheme

    …graduates who will help deliver growth to the UK economy. Our universities maintain a revolving door with business to help ensure graduate employers get innovative and thoughtful, professionally accredited graduates with the right skills to help grow their businesses. Alliance universities: Aberystwyth University, Bournemouth University, University of Bradford, De Montfort University, University of Glamorgan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Univers…

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  7. University Alliance calls for a public information campaign to explain the new graduate contribution scheme

    …graduates who will help deliver growth to the UK economy. Our universities maintain a revolving door with business to help ensure graduate employers get innovative and thoughtful, professionally accredited graduates with the right skills to help grow their businesses. Alliance universities: Aberystwyth University, Bournemouth University, University of Bradford, De Montfort University, University of Glamorgan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Univers…

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  8. Guardian: Tackling the taxing problem of funding universities

    …g annual fees, one of their more important public sector reforms, vital to maintaining the triple-A status of this key British export industry. Browne is all but certain to propose lifting the fee cap, currently £3,250, unpopular but necessary if Oxbridge is to charge more than Bogstandard Uni. Among the evidence submitted to Browne, proposals from the University Alliance, the group of mostly ex-poly access universities, envisages a graduate contr…

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  9. University Alliance says investment in HE ‘crucial’ for UK economy

    …r did not enter a new era of affluence with the introduction of fees but remained under-funded. The report concluded that without further investment the “quality of the student experience and the reputation and contribution of English higher education will suffer.”[5] “The proposed cuts in funding for additional student places are difficult to reconcile with the projected economic demand for highly-skilled graduates as outlined in the Government’s…

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  10. University Alliance respond to Policy Exchange report on area of 'crucial economic importance'

    …hanges in 2009-10 funding were a result of RAE 2008 findings that showed excellence was more widely distributed than previously thought (1). It is only in maintaining a meritocratic system that we can continue to drive up the efficiency and quality of UK research. “Last week’s HEPI report about the distinctiveness of Oxford and Cambridge revealed that the research performance of the Russell Group excluding the ‘golden triangle’ institutions is ‘in…

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