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  1. How not to deter poorer students from university: our response to Amol Rajan in the Independent

    …some universities their record on access is, frankly, shocking, it is not true to say that less people should be going to university or that most university courses are a bad deal for students. Firstly, there is no evidence that the rise in fees has deterred poorer students from applying to university. And even if that were true the UK will actually need more graduates, not less, to meet the challenges of the future. More jobs than ever before now…

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  2. You&Yours: School destination data

    …’s decision to publish data on the number of pupils schools are sending to Russell Group universities. “Our concern is that this is embedding a very traditional prejudice within the university system. Of course there are hundreds of outstanding programmes across Russell Group universities but if we are wishing to encourage our schools and teachers to be giving good information, advice and guidance we need to be using an accurate measure of those b…

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  3. Bournemouth VC on proposals to give universities a greater role in A-levels

    …Professor John Vinney, Vice-Chancellor of Bournemouth University, joined the PM programme on BBC Radio 4 to discuss proposals to give universities a greater role in A-level design and development. Joining Professor Vinney were Mary Dunnet, a student at Edinburgh University, and Richard Drew, an A-level teacher from South Wales. You can listen to the interview here. (Approx 34 minutes into the programme).  …

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  4. Lauren Sowter – University of Derby

    …t her time at Derby. Two were at the University itself, and another with a market research company. This exposure to the wider world helped her realise the potential she has to offer the business sector. Lauren recently started to consider where to go next, and following a rigorous application process, has secured a role on the Aldi Area Manager Graduate Scheme. She says: “I’m super proud because it’s one of the most competitive graduate schemes o…

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  5. University Alliance responds to science investment announced in Autumn Statement 2014

    …l to invest in our research base to ensure that the UK remains amongst the world’s top scientific nations. But predicting market changes is an inexact science and we need to make sure ​we are creating the right environment that allow​s​ growth sectors, particularly​ those supported by research​ within our universities, to thrive. “This is why the dual funding system for research, which includes the flexibility for universities to invest in new are…

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  6. Problem Solved: University Research Answering Today’s Challenges

    …of research responding to global challenges. “Universities, through their world-leading research, advance our knowledge and understanding of these issues and solve many of the problems that drive them: environmental change; cleaner energy; health and wellbeing; safety and security; and the digital economy. “It is exciting to witness the power of research that universities are able to carry out with their partners. Supported by significant investm…

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  7. The University of Hertfordshire’s holistic approach to research-led innovation and entrepreneurship

    …ince launching in 2018, it has supported more than 160 start-ups to become market-ready. Indeed, over 650 businesses – linked to our four clusters of excellence: health and care; science, medicine and technology; advanced materials and manufacturing and screen arts – have benefitted from our multifaceted support since 2019. Our intensive Acceleration programmes for innovative start-ups and SMEs looking to scale up (which provide bespoke, wrap-arou…

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  8. University Alliance responds to the Spring Budget

    …cognised the role universities play in driving growth in the Spring budget today. We are pleased that universities are recognised as key partners in investment zones: an initiative that could be truly transformational in delivering growth. We know that alliance universities in the Tees Valley, West Midlands and West Yorkshire stand ready to bring their considerable expertise in delivering skills and innovation to these investment zones.” On resear…

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  9. UA reacts to A-level results day

    …. Employers are looking for more and more graduates who can hit the ground running. “That’s why I’m proud to be say that Alliance universities always rate highly when it comes to preparing job-ready graduates. They are known for their access to practical training and for working closely with employers to develop forward thinking, problem solving and entrepreneurial graduates – the workforce of today and tomorrow.” Reacting to the Government’s ‘tri…

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  10. University Alliance responds to government confirmation of student return from 17th May

    …r many months, and our member universities are ready and prepared to welcome their students back to make the most of this final term and to help power the nation’s recovery from the pandemic. The Graduate Employment and Skills guide also announced today is a welcome additional resource which will complement the extensive existing support already being offered through university Careers and Employability services, who are the first port of call for…

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