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  1. Soaring youth unemployment, no long-term jobs strategy – time for some joined-up thinking Chancellor

    …e future prosperity of the UK, they are critical.” — end — Notes to editors:For further information or to speak with Libby Hackett contact Sam Jones on or 07767 673982. About the Alliance University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. Alliance universities educate over 26% of all UK students and achie…

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  2. University Alliance welcomes HEFCE’s ‘sensible proposals’ but warns of consequences for those students who won’t get a place at university

    …e of cuts on high quality teaching and research in our universities. We welcome the commitment to continue to fund excellence in research wherever it exists. Evidence shows that selectively funding research, based on quality, will achieve the most efficient and effective allocation of public investment in research.(1) These cuts will, however, have real consequences for the growing number of qualified applicants who cannot get a place at universit…

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  3. University Alliance warns of consequences of cuts for students who won’t get a place at university

    …e of cuts on high quality teaching and research in our universities. We welcome the commitment to continue to fund excellence in research wherever it exists. Evidence shows that selectively funding research, based on quality, will achieve the most efficient and effective allocation of public investment in research.(1) These cuts will, however, have real consequences for the growing number of qualified applicants who cannot get a place at universit…

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  4. Lauren Sowter – University of Derby

    …ends. Her background meant she was well-suited for the competition team, becoming competition coordinator from her second year onwards. She says: “If I had one thing that I could recommend to anyone that came to uni, it would be to get involved with a sports club or society because they’re so good for improving your employability, and you don’t realise it until you’ve done it!” And Lauren is hoping to use her Business Management knowledge to bring…

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  5. Sile Sibanda – University of Derby

    …raduate, poetry has become a surprising route for Sile, as she writes paid commissions for different organisations. She says: “When you’re writing poetry at school, you never think: ‘Oh, I’m going to make a living out of this.’ But I get to do that.” She has goals to combine performing poetry with travelling more. For now, though, she’s making an impact closer to home, where – following on from the open mics she would attend during her course – sh…

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  6. Alliance universities supporting the nation throughout the pandemic

    …mmunities Throughout this crisis, our members have demonstrated their deep commitment to serving their communities. Staff and students have been leading volunteering initiatives to support vulnerable groups, and universities have been offering their support to local businesses to help them navigate the uncertainty. Find out how we are supporting our communities. Contributing research and innovation Alliance universities are central to the hope tha…

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  7. A Snapshot of Science

    …al probes to investigate the activity of sulforaphane, the main anticancer compound in broccoli. One of these probes uses rhodamine to create a brilliant pink compound, whose fluorescence should help identify key biological interactions of sulforaphane. Our Microbes and Us James Robson, University of the West of England Trillions of bacteria inhabit our GI tract, exerting beneficial and harmful effects. This image shows Fusobacterium nucleatum (th…

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    Small child holding a banana behind a bar
  8. Robert Halfon MP speech on Degree Apprenticeships

    …ion sector is one of this country’s greatest strengths. But, it must not become complacent. For both students and industries a traditional three-year, full-time degree is no longer always the best option. Our universities must diversify and modernise their provision. To meet our future skills needs universities will need to become more innovative and dynamic. Degree apprenticeships are fundamental to this. One day I would like to see 50% of studen…

    Read more of: Robert Halfon MP speech on Degree Apprenticeships