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  1. University research is answering today’s challenges

    …of the world’s biggest challenges, our universities play a critical role. Today we launch Problem Solved: university research answering today’s challenges, which shows why research and innovation play such an important part in the economy at home and abroad and why universities are uniquely placed to rise to some of the challenges set by governments around the world. The ‘grand challenges’ set a thematic direction for much of our research. They a…

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  2. UA responds to NAO’s report on HE market

    …ation market, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Today’s report makes some important points about the development of the HE market: it is right to highlight the need for more comprehensive independent advice and guidance for students and the worrying fall in the number of mature and part time learners. University Alliance has pushed for better support for mature students and for a comprehensive system of careers advice fo…

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  3. University Alliance responds to CIPD report on graduates in the labour market

    …y skilled graduates. “Alliance universities are responding by offering practice-based, industry-focused courses which give our graduates the skills employers want.” Notes for editors The CIPD has released a report today – Over-qualification and skills mismatch in the graduate labour market – which states the number of people graduating from university is much lower than the amount of high-skilled jobs available….

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  4. Universities take action to increase academic diversity in the media  

    …pecialists from the field for comment. The campaign will be launched at an online event taking place at 2pm today, 27th April, where a panel of speakers will address the importance of media diversity and how the higher education sector can take collective action to ensure greater representation in the academic voices within the media. Speaking at the event will be campaign champions, Professor Vini Lander – Professor of Race and Education, and Dir…

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  5. University Alliance response to government roadmap announcement

    …eir roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions in England. Responding to the news that all students on practical and practice-based courses can return from 8 March 2021, University Alliance CEO Vanessa Wilson said: “A significant proportion of courses delivered by Alliance universities are practical and practice-based, and so we welcome today’s announcement that students studying these subjects can resume face-to-face teaching from 8th March. Our me…

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  6. Privacy notice

    …ontroller. The right to object to any direct marketing (for example, email marketing or phone calls) by us, and to require us to stop such marketing. The right to object to the processing of your information if we are relying on a “legitimate interest” for the processing or where the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. The right to object to any automated decision-making about you which produce…

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  7. Extensive online learning provision and bioimaging suites at Oxford Brookes University

    …ide of the building to give it a modern look and make it more efficient to run. The refurbishment of the second floor of the Sinclair building has been completed and we now have a modern 100-seat teaching lab, student orientated spaces, academic offices, and further teaching and research areas. The new large lab allows for several teaching sessions to take place simultaneously, providing opportunities for cross-discipline working; placing you at t…

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  8. Chief Executive UA Summit speech: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …companies in the automotive supply chain. And at Portsmouth University, a Reader in Structural Biology is supported by post-graduate and undergraduate students to work out how enzymes made by gribbles can make the biofuels industry more efficient. Our research not only serves existing industries – it creates new ones. For example, the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) and Bristol University’s robotics laboratory has created a vibran…

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  9. Closing speech at UA Summit 2015: Building on our Strengths

    …at more we can do if we do it together. How bold do we want to be? We’ve already started to think about this today. What is clear to me is that students, businesses, government and society are all demanding something new, something different from higher education. It’s essential that we listen to them and decide how we best respond. As Julie’s speech this morning illustrated, the higher education sector is changing rapidly. This is a highly compet…

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  10. Welsh semi-wild ponies and maintaining biodiversity and agricultural sustainability

    …iversity (Garcia, 2013). This is because ponies eat invasive grasses and shrubs sheep avoid, including Molinia caerulea (purple moor-grass) and Ulex spp. (gorse) (Fraser et al., 2019). They also break open the turf allowing access for wild seeds and insects which, in turn, support more birds, thereby supporting greater diversity of a range of taxa. Mixed grazing as an extensive, agroecological approach to agricultural practice can deliver on other…

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