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  1. Health networks & partnerships: Developing innovative community health care products

    …DTI was established in 2009 and provides specialist consultancy support to companies developing community health care products and services, along with a flexible collaborative work space that allows companies to test and develop their products further. Examples of the support provided include usability testing of products, product design and prototyping, and designing healthcare apps (often in collaboration with the University’s Serious Games Ins…

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  2. University Alliance welcomes report from Business, Innovation and Skills Committee on Business-University Collaboration

    …usinesses that are seeking to collaborate – as all Alliance universities do. “We’ll be making the same argument over the next crucial few months, especially with the imminent Autumn Statement and the publication of the results of the REF 2014 exercise. As the Committee concludes, the impact element of the REF will be vital in demonstrating the wider value of university research to the economy and society which is why we believe that funding should…

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  3. Applicants are demonstrating their awareness of what it takes to be competitive

    …trialised nations in terms of the proportion of young people graduating. In 2008 we had fallen to 15th position because our competitor countries have been investing at a faster rate than us. We have to consider carefully the consequences of continuing to move down this ranking in terms of our international competitiveness. Do we want to fall into the race to the bottom or join the race to the top? / ends Notes to editor: ‘Job-ready graduates’ Univ…

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  4. Applied Research

    …cutting-edge research and innovation. As institutions truly embedded in their regions, Alliance universities transform lives and economies, playing a significant role in producing highly-skilled graduates, undertaking research and galvanising the economy. All members are committed to increase the quality and quantity of their research and will significantly help contribute towards the UK achieving the 2.4% share of GDP on R&D expenditure by 2027….

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    Scientist in lab
  5. Realising the benefits of the KEF through collaboration

    …g I know how complex it can be to discover routes into partnership. We therefore need an effective response to this, both within institutions and across the sector. Where existing relationships are thriving and delivering true benefits to academia, industry, and the economy and society more broadly, we need to be sure that we work to capture the value on an ongoing basis to ensure success is recognised and best practice is shared. However, this va…

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  6. The Next Government must Invest Across the Whole of Nursing Education

    …al responsibilities, causing numbers to drop significantly. It has been welcome, therefore, to see commitments from almost all political parties to (re)introduce a maintenance grant or equivalent for nursing students (although guarantees must be given that this is available to all allied healthcare students). If delivered, this financial support will bring welcome incentives to support the recruitment and retention of nurses. However, while the bu…

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  7. Our welcome note to the new Prime Minister

    …to progress the industrial strategy. And – in order for the nation to be a competitor on the global stage as a global economy – we need more, not less talent coming through our universities. This leads us to our second piece of advice. Now, you will be looking to try and make some quick progress with (re)building vital relationships over the Channel. You should look to the university system as our international calling card, it will serve you and…

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    Boris Johnson
  8. Cracking the gender code

    …enthusiasm for it because the year I turned 10, I received a Spectrum 48k computer for Christmas. I worked my way through the manual that came with it, and became so enamoured with the fact I could type instructions into the computer and make it do things, that once I started I never really stopped. Positive role models are vital if we are going to remove long-ingrained stereotypes. That’s why I visit schools and colleges to engage both girls and…

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  9. Producing researchers ready for the real world

    …a workshop facilitated by the Rising Ape Collective, an events management company set up by MsC Science Communications graduates. Access to innovative industries and facilities provide our students with professional insight, linking their research with global challenges so it can achieve the maximum impact in the real world. The DTA summer schools equip researchers with the professional expertise to produce world-changing research and develop suc…

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  10. University Alliance comments on Education Select Committee Brexit report

    …e. 2. Alliance Vice-Chancellors gave oral evidence to the Education Select Committee in January 2017 as part of the inquiry. Professor John Latham, Chair of University Alliance and Vice-Chancellor of Coventry University, and Professor Alistair Fitt, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and the Alliance’s research lead, both shared their thoughts on the implications for the sector. The transcript and video are online here. 3. In August 2016…

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