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  1. A Snapshot of Science

    …sure o healthcare resources. One way to alleviate this is through the construction of Green Infrastructure (GI) such as care farms and community gardens. By engaging people with their natural environment, these projects simulate benefits. My PhD is evaluating impact these spaces have on the physical, mental and social health of the older participants who use them. The Gut Microbiome and Healthy Ageing Cristiano Pedroso-Roussado, University of Brig…

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    Small child holding a banana behind a bar
  2. AUGAR: Our CEO Vanessa Wilson Sets Out Her Initial Thoughts

    …ued for a lifelong loan allowance, flexible modular credits, scrapping ELQ rules and interim qualifications for all students on a degree-level courses. And we back new investment in maintenance across FE and HE, given cost of living is one of the biggest issues for students. No one should ever be priced out of education. We’ll be saying much more over the coming days and weeks as we dig down into the detail, so I am resisting the temptation for kn…

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    Augar review
  3. Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

    …Vocation, Vocation, Vocation – a new report from the Social Market Foundation with University Alliance and Pearson – calls for greater recognition of the ‘important contributions’ of vocational entry routes to higher education (HE). The report includes a foreword from Professor Edward Peck, University Alliance Treasurer and Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University….

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  4. Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

    …r education (HE). The report, Vocation, Vocation, Vocation, includes a foreword from Professor Edward Peck, University Alliance Treasurer and Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham Trent University. Commenting, University Alliance Chief Executive Maddalaine Ansell said: “Vocational qualifications like BTECs have made an important contribution to expanding access to HE over the last decade. Complementing the A-level route by combining knowledge with real-wo…

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  5. Smart Specialisation Hub Annual Report 2017

    …out the role of universities in place-making and regional growth. Place, a word which featured more than a hundred times in the [Industrial Strategy] Green Paper earlier in the year, has become a major focus of government policy. For universities, this is a significant opportunity to contribute. Most institutions, including those in University Alliance, are deeply rooted in their surrounding region with missions that support local people and commu…

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  6. Take part in our 2017 Christmas card design competition

    …course/occupation with the name of the university you attend. Competition rules This competition is open to students and staff at University Alliance institutions. A maximum of two front covers will be accepted per entrant. The University Alliance logo should be included somewhere on the front cover. To download please click here. The brand can be used with any of the colours in the palette in our Style guide but only use one colour (rather than…

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  7. Christmas card competition 2016

    …ity Alliance team will judge the competition and decide on the winner. The runners up will be posted on our website along with the winning image. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winning image will become property of University Alliance. Covers will be judged on their design as well as how well they fit the brief. The winner will be published on our website. The winner will also be contacted directly to…

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  8. Research Fortnight: Caught in the torchlight – Beware of what lurks in the dark corners of the higher education and research bill

    …dark corners of university funding, I expect to see at least three spiders run out―and it may be the government that needs to fetch the glass and a piece of paper. The first is the myth that private providers will offer cheaper and more flexible courses. Like most myths, it contains a grain of truth. The best of the new providers will no doubt deliver classroom-based subjects like business and law cheaply and well. They may offer welcome flexibili…

    Read more of: Research Fortnight: Caught in the torchlight – Beware of what lurks in the dark corners of the higher education and research bill