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  1. Universities take action to increase academic diversity in the media  

    …pertFile) has shown that less than a fifth of academic experts are externally and publicly engaged in this way and that there are many barriers to media participation. The campaign will help to take a major step forward in supporting more academics to be more media involved, to bring valuable insight and evidence on the major concerns of today and tomorrow through media coverage and to ensure we have a diverse representation of academics in the me…

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  2. National Care Leaver’s Week 2020 – how Kingston University is helping care leavers through their studies

    …t step. If you think back to when you were 18, how ready were you to be fully independent? Most people are fortunate enough to have family to fall back on when things get tough, whether that’s to borrow a bit of cash to help with the food shop, or just to check in and make sure that they’re ok. For a lot of young people leaving care, the support they had as a child will stop abruptly on their 18th birthday, yet most of their peers who are not in c…

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  3. Malignant mesothelioma: Current research into a man-made epidemic

    …ental exposure to asbestos, although 20% of patients have never been directly exposed to the asbestos fibres. In nearly 95% of the cases the life expectancy is poor, with only 9-12 months survival post-diagnosis. We are looking to improve this prognosis by developing a new bioanalytical method of fibre detection and diagnosis. To achieve this, we are using in vitro mesothelioma models and cutting-edge analytical techniques. This project is close t…

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  4. Dig where you stand – universities and public policy

    …the interaction of global economic forces and policy decisions taken locally and nationally – for many, this can be experienced in a way which feels distant and alienating. For universities, this demands a new civic role: a constructive engagement with problems and challenges facing society today, and using their convening power to bring together citizens, researchers, civil society and policymakers. The creation of Nottingham Civic Exchange is a…

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  5. Teesside University: ExpoTees

    …for all Teesside University students to raise awareness of the importance of working with industry to first and second year students through ‘ExpoTential’ and ‘ExpoTalent’. I will always be incredibly grateful to ExpoTalent for the opportunities it has provided me, as fairly early on into my placement I was offered a part-time job during my final year at university based on my skills and work attitude alone. This meant that I could continue workin…

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  6. Innovating Future Business 2017: Introducing the investors

    …Cleve was born and educated in Guyana, South America. He came to the UK in 1969 to work in the electronic industry and by 1976 he had been headhunted by Siemens Ltd, to take on overall responsibility at the Data & Communications Service Group. By 1980, Cleve had become Head of Power Engineering Service at Congleton in Cheshire. Later, Cleve chose to concentrate on his own business – and set up the financial services company Openwork. Before accep…

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    IFB17 Investors
  7. Arts and culture matter in making places

    …thought innovatively. It is even possible that they have invented an entirely new art form. Their ‘barbershock’ performance turned out to be among the highlights of the evening at the Southbank Centre. Posing incognito as waiters, the students electrified the room when they burst into song after one of their colleagues ‘fainted’ while presenting flowers to keynote speakers Darren Henley (CEO of Arts Council England) and John Kampfner (CEO of the C…

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  8. Bringing 3D animation to life

    …ous high-grossing films including The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, Life of Pi, Prometheus and Skyfall. The NCCA has made full details of the research publicly available in an ‘open source’ format so that it can be adopted as widely as possible.   Back to Real World Impact  …

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  9. University Alliance Open Day at Clifford Chance

    …to the future success of our business. Our commitment to recruiting diversely is more than just a sound bite. We have taken decisive action, and a lot of it! We removed the use of application forms in the interview process to ensure candidates are measured on their talent, rather than their background. We have broadened our reach, visiting more universities than ever before (we will be physically visiting in excess of 37 universities in 2014/15 an…

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