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  1. Innovation Award

    …stic test for Covid-19. Within weeks of the start of the awareness of an on-coming pandemic the team had adapted their LAMP approach for detecting urinary tract infections (UTIs) to the Covid-19 virus. By the spring of 2020 they had made successful bids to the Welsh Government for resources to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the test, together with a partnership with a local engineering design company to produce a manufacturable point…

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  2. Our Networks

    …e of directorates and professional areas within Alliance universities. Vice-Chancellors Registrars and COOs Policy Communications and public affairs Research Directors Heads of Arts Schools Apprenticeships leads Initial Teacher Education leads Deans of Health Cyber security leads Finance leads HR leads Heads of Admissions Executive/Personal Assistants to VCs IT leads Estates leads Health and Safety Student Union presidents Careers and Employabilit…

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  3. Why join the UA?

    …programme and support network. This gives them access to not only the world-class facilities, supervisors and support at their home institutions, but also a broader professional community, spanning all 20 partner universities. The DTA is the largest nationwide doctoral training initiative across the UK, and currently benefits from funding through Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Doctoral Fellowship programme. For more information, visit the DTA websi…

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  4. University Alliance ‘20 in 2020′

    …K, the BEIS Committee, Science and Technology committee, and the Education Committee. 12. Our core recommendation to government on care leavers, featured in a comment piece in the Guardian, is now the subject of a feasibility study commissioned by OfS. 13. We contributed to the OfS’s review of digital teaching and learning by holding an interactive session with Sir Michael Barber, Chair of OfS, and our Teaching and Learning Network, which we follo…

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  5. SPARK social enterprise at University of Brighton

    …time and space to explore new directions since they are too focused on day-to-day operations. Space for innovation needs to be purposefully created by setting aside time and resources for exploring and developing new ideas and giving individuals or teams responsibility for pursuing innovation activities. This is not easy to achieve, but can be helped through encouraging systematic routines for innovation. Identifying external expertise or knowhow…

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  6. Universities are driving growth through innovation and enterprise

    …me (PSIP) to build a new world-class marine facility which will house state-of-the-art research facilities including new wave tank testing equipment that will be unique to the UK. PSIP builds on expertise in the City and provides a solid innovation infrastructure which expects to create 500 jobs and 30 new businesses in the next five years. PSIP is expected to drive up the city’s Gross Value Added, an indicator of economic performance, by £130mill…

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  7. RAE Press Release: University Alliance

    …ently. Nottingham Trent University is working on the world’s first ‘scatter-enhanced’ 3D x-ray security scanner to identify contraband substances. The hi-tech equipment combines a novel x-ray diffraction technique with high-resolution 3D x-ray imaging capability to create an impression of an object’s depth, partially rotate it, and even see around or behind it. The system will speed up security checks and reduce false alarms. Experts in the Univer…

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  8. Ellie’s story – Robert Gordon University

    …that the method of teaching I could experience at RGU would be the most up-to-date and the most beneficial in positioning students for a career in law. Finally, one of the main factors which attracted me to RGU was its commitment to making university accessible to students from all backgrounds through initiatives like Access, and setting realistic entry requirements for schools that are underrepresented in higher education which benefitted me gre…

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  9. Health networks & partnerships: Developing innovative community health care products

    …is more accessible to a wider range of users who have difficulty using the generic two-handed controller. HDTI was involved in this project from its early stages, defining the ergonomic industrial design, producing physical models, CAD modelling and visualisation. It is now in the detailed design stages. HDTI also assists with the researching of products. One notable project came when Peter Greedy, managing director of Greeper, approached the inst…

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  10. Networks

    …e of directorates and professional areas within Alliance universities. Vice-Chancellors Registrars and COOs Policy Communications and public affairs Research Directors Heads of Arts Schools Apprenticeships leads Initial Teacher Education leads Deans of Health Cyber security leads Finance leads HR leads Heads of Admissions Executive/Personal Assistants to VCs IT leads Estates leads Health and Safety Student Union presidents Careers and Employabilit…

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