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Read blogs from members across the University Alliance and from the UA policy team

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  1. The DTA Rep Committee: Amplifying the voice of PhD researchers

    …socialising, which supports motivation while promoting solidarity and peer-to-peer support. One of the key benefits I have gained from my role on the DTA Rep Committee, is developing intimate knowledge of the complexities and challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey we distributed was effective in illustrating its far-reaching negative consequences for our PhD researchers. These include concerns about the continuation of fundi…

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  2. DTA Images of Research Awards winners reflect on their achievements

    …All the entries were amazing, and I loved learning about each and every research conducted my fellow DTA researchers. “I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. Presenting my work at WinterWind 2020 was one of the biggest milestones for my research and receiving an award that is connected to that experience makes it all even more special. I would further like to thank the DTA team for organising this competition and providing us with a pla…

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  3. The DTA is Intersectoral- Part 3

    …ions, preventing disease and managing outbreaks, and this application of research to real-world problems is something Arantza wants to work on. She says the ability to work with an organisation like Pirbright is one of the main advantages of the DTA programme; “The most beneficial element of the programme is that students are encouraged to do placements. This means you learn new things and meet more people- people who can help you in your future c…

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  4. University Alliance ‘20 in 2020′

    …submissions, articles and blogs on research policy, for the Ministerial Research Task Force, the Research & Development (R&D) Road Map consultation, Innovate UK, the BEIS Committee, Science and Technology committee, and the Education Committee. 12. Our core recommendation to government on care leavers, featured in a comment piece in the Guardian, is now the subject of a feasibility study commissioned by OfS. 13. We contributed to the OfS’s review…

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  5. DTA Summer School 2021 – coming together to explore interdisciplinarity

    …projects in more depth. We had the choice to share our work as oral, Pecha-Kucha-style or poster presentations, and the themes – how our research relates to the world outside the university and the interdisciplinary element of our projects – helped reveal shared interests and methods across our projects. The interactive poster session in WonderRoom was particularly fun. We learnt a lot about the work of peers outside of our disciplinary cohorts,…

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  6. With the right support, universities can help power an economic, social and cultural recovery

    …skills capacity of the vaccine manufacturing workforce within the Stockton-on-Tees region. Sitting at the nexus between higher education, business and public services, it is often Alliance universities that deliver the commercialisation of findings, translational research, innovation support and skills development necessary to develop ideas into application; delivering real-world innovations in care, services, products and delivery. This role wil…

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  7. Regional Investment, European Funding and Defining Value: The Future Challenges for Research

    …ng a much-needed increase in the number of postgraduate and early career researchers. The rumoured shake-up across Whitehall may create new departments that as a sector we need to quickly and effectively make our case to. Defining value The humanities and social sciences are often at the forefront of my mind when I think about research collaborations with Europe. Alliance universities are delivering research across a range of contemporary themes,…

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  8. Alliance universities supporting the nation throughout the pandemic

    …central to the hope that this country’s recovery will be driven by cutting-edge research and innovation. Through our focus on applied research, knowledge exchange and innovation, we are working towards ensuring a fairer, greener, healthier, more prosperous, and resilient UK. Alliance universities are home to some of the most talented, dedicated, and innovative researchers in the country, and many are already working to respond to the immediate an…

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  9. Let’s get strategic

    …. It would also be a lost opportunity if the strategy does not take a whole-of-tertiary approach, encompassing education and training delivered by the full range of higher education providers (and incentivising partnerships and pathways between them), as well as the research and innovation ecosystem. It must also consider the 50 per cent of people who do not currently access higher education, and how to reverse the sharp decline in part-time and m…

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    Susanna Kalitowski
  10. Digital teaching and learning: time for a blended approach

    …hanced staff and student engagement as well as collaboration. For example, online learning ‘festivals’ and working across multiple campuses. At TU, our Digital and Online Learning teams worked with staff to help them consider how to extend the learning environment beyond the conventional spaces. Staff have embraced innovation and delivered novel solutions which will become part of our norm, for example: Use of simulation software to carry out asse…

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