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  1. Reflections on the DTA programme, fellows and new videos

    …ave developed in their skills and their passion for their project work. Recruiting internationally has brought together researchers from across the world; our DTA3 cohort has representation from 27 different countries. The global reach of the programme has grown and grown as our student body has gone from strength to strength. With lives turned upside down by the pandemic it has been an extraordinarily difficult two years for most people, and the…

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  2. The stories beneath the headlines: university is still a life-changing experience

    …udent experience. Forget the popular narrative of university as merely instrumental, only focusing on a course of study. Our students have many more opportunities beyond the ‘classroom’. Work placements at the CERN Large Hadron Collider thanks to University of the West of England. Opportunities to do research alongside world-leading marine biologists at the University of Plymouth, leading projects to change the way real businesses work at the Univ…

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  3. Design: a long view

    …r eligible young women in the novels of Jane Austen. Used in this way, the word design describes the agency of intention – a plan or a scheme. “…the word design describes the agency of intention – a plan or a scheme” Nevertheless, the embodiment and realization of intention is a concept perhaps lost from many notions of design today, whether these arise from the productive realms of the profession, manufacturing and industry or the dazzling consum…

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  4. University of Greenwich support local Mutual Aid group during COVID-19

    …In Greenwich, the university gave use of its onsite kitchens to the local Greenwich Mutual Aid group, and staff members and students supported vulnerable people with prescription collection, deliveries and food parcels to those vulnerable people from across the local area. Find out more about how the University of Greenwich aided in their local coronavirus efforts here….

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  5. Why degree apprenticeships deserve your attention

    …gland and Wales and delivered mostly by universities (including the ground-breaking Police Education Consortium). However, this has been destabilised through a frustrating policy disconnect within government following the Home Office decision to end the compulsory roll-out of police degrees and statements promoting non-degree routes for policing. 2. There are choppy waters ahead We should not assume that on the current trajectory, the growth or ma…

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    UA logo - pink
  6. International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022

    …innovation; read through our profiles to see what our inspiring women scientists of the Alliance are made of. Professor Sarah Barman Posted on February 8, 2022 Dr. Dannielle Green Posted on February 8, 2022 Professor Linda King Posted on February 8, 2022 Surya Maruthupandian Posted on February 8, 2022 Professor Susan Brooks Posted on February 9, 2022 Dr. Maria Maynard Posted on February 10, 2022 Dr. Emma Hayhurst Posted on February 10, 2022 Dr. Sa…

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  7. Unpacking the TEF narratives: what does teaching excellence at an Alliance university look like?

    …described investment in physical and digital resources. I’m sure that only word count limitations prevented these points being covered in all the documents. Graduates with job-ready skills Moving on to Student Outcomes, the consistent message emerging was an aim to support students through continuation to completion and that: “Employability is embedded in our curricula and assessments, ensuring our graduates leave with relevant skills and competen…

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  8. Top tips for pitching your business idea

    …ur audience’s shoes; would you be excited to watch a presentation with 500 words per slide and no images? Visuals are nine times easier to remember compared to words, so don’t be afraid to use them if they fit your presentation content. Websites such as Pexels offer free high-quality images that you can use to deliver the most powerful message possible. Also, try using headlines, not paragraphs. Your presentation should complement your speech, not…

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    Lavinia Alexoiu – Winner of the Building Bright Ideas competition 2016
  9. Continuous Professional Development

    …r example, Greenwich has opened up its Learning Design Cross Institutional International Network events Shared programmes (accredited and non-accredited) This provides members with potential efficiency savings in staff development while also providing creative support and challenge to course leaders working with different institutions or disciplines. Examples include the Greenwich programme leader hub with videos, guidance, explanations and worksh…

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  10. UA Speech: “Higher education and courses policy going forward”

    …oving business performance Ensuring supply chains work optimally Brokering international trade agreements Ensuring your public services run optimally Growth Higher education positively impacts all of these key elements of the growth formula work. In University Alliance’s Vision for Growth, published in September, we highlighted three key ways where universities can drive growth: Delivering a highly skilled workforce for industry and the public sec…

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