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  1. Measuring the success of the KU Big Read

    …ubsequently identified. How we planned to monitor the impact of The KU Big Read Take-up of books by staff Students were sent or given a copy. Stock was made available to staff in libraries and via reception desks across the institution. We monitored the response, as evinced by stock level, date and campus. We hoped that requiring staff to collect a title, rather than simply receive one, would promote greater involvement. In fact, as fast as we put…

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  2. Improving the accuracy of pre-natal screening

    …t published and most cited author in the inhibin field. Inhibin use in the USA The greatest use of the inhibin A procedure for Down’s Syndrome screening has been in the US. The 2012 College of American Pathologists report shows that most respondent clinics use the second trimester quad test with a significant number using the full integrated test. The total usage of the quad or integrated test in 2011 in the US was over 3 million women screened. I…

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  3. Meet the nominees: Alliance Awards 2024

    …d boosting their confidence.    THE ALLIANCE AWARD  ARU law clinic, Anglia Ruskin University  ARU Law Clinic promotes collaborative working with students and the local legal profession to ensure students gain experience of dealing with real-life problems alongside lawyers, whilst building professional networks to boost their employability.    The Clinic has 90+ volunteer lawyers on rota, enabling students to observe a variety of approaches; the st…

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    Congratulations Alliance Awards shortlisted nominees
  4. University of Derby: Jack’s story

    …igh interest to potential employers: “There is a cool room, the  Financial Markets Lab, which is a stock exchange controller we use from first year, where you can compile information on companies from around the world and compare them.” Jack is looking to complete financial data company Bloomberg’s training course on using the Bloomberg Market Concepts application in the lab, which can help when looking at careers in global finance. He is about to…

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  5. Bringing flight data analysis into the 21st Century

    …mercial flights involving 15,000 aircraft and more than 230 major airlines worldwide. International rules stipulate that all aircraft over 27 tonnes must undertake flight data monitoring while UK law requires each plane to carry a flight data recorder (FDR). These recorders collect raw data from sensors for analysis. In the UK, this must be analysed annually to detect flight errors happening outside accepted safety parameters. However, manual anal…

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  6. Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning

    …ies to reach out to more students in an increasingly competitive global HE market place. “Online learning can play a part in a country’s economic success by broadening access to higher education.” Part of this indecision is due to confusion between Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and more traditional forms of online learning. But there are important differences between the two. For a start, MOOCs have so far been operating from a separate plat…

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  7. Innovate for Growth: preventing the ERDF cliff-edge 

    …pean Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ERDF, along with all European Structural Funds, runs out at the end of March 2023.  What is the European Regional Development Fund?    The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the European Union’s Structural Funds. It is intended to help tackle regional disparities across Europe.   What is the purpose of the ERDF?   It helps to create economic development and growth, providing support to bu…

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  8. Using bees’ communication patterns to improve energy efficiency in homes

    …how to use their energy in the most efficient way possible, based on their usage. However, research has shown that this guidance does not effectively communicate people’s energy use at different scales. Sonja Oliveira, who is an Associate Professor for architecture and sustainability design innovation, and is leading the project, said: “As the world moves towards everything depending on electricity, including transport, we need a better way to com…

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  9. Innovating Future Business 2017: Introducing the investors

    …demonstrates a viable business with a low cost of entry, evidence of sound market research, and crucially, an innovative idea with ‘wow’ factor. You can read all about the entrants’ business proposals here. Innovating Future Business 2017 investors include: ANS Group; Cariocca Enterprises; Marketing Signals; Wakelet; and Web Applications UK. Read below to find out more about them:   Scott Fletcher MBE, ANS founder Scott Fletcher is one of the UK’s…

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    IFB17 Investors
  10. Developing low-cost air quality monitors for Heathrow Airport

    …t Programme for its air quality monitoring networks across major cities within developing countries. The pilot network scheme focused on Nairobi, with a further 30 cities targeted in Africa and beyond. To date, the OPC-N2 has been sold in more than 60 countries, including China, the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, India, Peru, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. In many cases, developers and researchers are using the unique capabilitie…

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