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  1. Informing global chemical weapons response at the University of Hertfordshire

    …building and mass casualty decontamination, vapour chambers for simulating human exposure to hazardous substances, and a team of 16 full-time research staff. Volunteers participated in studies that analysed the efficacy of different decontamination processes. This involved spraying participants with cold water to recreate the ‘ladder pipe’ system traditionally used by fire services to decontaminate clothed casualties. The research team ran a full-…

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  2. Take part in our 2017 Christmas card design competition

    …s executives and university Vice-Chancellors and academics. 2013’s winning design came from Jennifer Leem-Bruggen, a student on the BA (Hons) Illustration course at University of Hertfordshire. Our theme for this year is ‘Excellence‘. Closing date: midday, Thursday 30 November 2017. Submission: Send your image to with the subject line ‘Christmas card competition 2017’. Please include your name, course/occupation with the…

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  3. #ArtIsEssential campaign coalition launch Creative Education Manifesto, calling on all political parties to protect the creative arts talent pipeline

    …leheartedly support the Creative Education Manifesto.”   Professor Stella Bruzzi, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, UCL said: “As this manifesto explains, art and creativity are essential to the holistic functioning of a contemporary society. To ensure the advancement of art and design and creative practice-based education it is essential that we work together. Through embedding the core skill of creativity, we will enable the continued success…

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  4. The rise of the (all-singing, all-dancing) robots

    …ings. When you’ve shaken hands with this robot, you won’t forget it. While designed for human interaction in a public space, he also helps us to explore our love-hate relationship with our technological creations and ability to anthropomorphize and see life where none exists. Team photo time for the Bold Hearts team from University of Hertfordshire And should England or Wales falter in the Euro Cup in France, fans could cheer for another home team…

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  5. Research: Lab4Living

    …r future technological possibilities. Researchers collaborate closely with Design Futures, the design consultancy group within the ADRC, in commercially orientated healthcare projects. Lab4Living also refers to the physical space on campus where much of their research takes place. This space is a state-of-the-art experimental area where it’s possible to conduct both qualitative and quantitative studies of human behaviour and to understand individu…

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  6. Spaces that inspire

    …t things and it is fitting that when the building was finally demolished in 1998 and replaced by the Frank Gehry-designed Stata Center, a key requirement of the brief was to replicate the magic of Building 20. It remains to be seen if the Stata Center inspires more than Building 20. Footnotes 8 Brighton Waste House 9 The Centre for Excellence in Creativity This essay has been extracted from our publication, Technical and Professional Excellence: P…

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  7. Health networks & partnerships: Developing innovative community health care products

    …ficult for staff to help patients. HDTI assisted in delivering the concept design, design development, CAD modelling visualisation and prototyping of this product which is undergoing further development to be brought into the market. Another collaborative example for HDTI was the Orthros model, created by Geoff Harbach of LEMPIS. It’s a single-handed games controller, designed to have all the functionality of an original manufacturer’s controller…

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  8. Hertfordshire helping children with autism understand the world with Kaspar the social robot

    …supports UK researchers in delivering world-leading best practices for the design, regulation and operation of socially beneficial autonomous systems that are trusted in practice by individuals, society and government. Professor Farshid Amirabdollahian, Professor of Human-Robot Interaction at the University of Hertfordshire, commented: “Previous studies have found Kaspar to be useful in a wide range of interventions for children with autism spectr…

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  9. Collaboration by design

    …academic ethos that are becoming second nature to staff and students after 12 months. Principal amongst these is the emphasis upon ‘live briefs’ – projects designed in collaboration with industry that challenge students to deliver solutions to ‘real world’ problems. This is facilitated by bringing students together from different disciplines and different levels of study for delivery of tangible outputs. This is not just a theoretical whim. It is…

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  10. Wonderland: the art of becoming human

    …ccelerated – used to heighten perception, inform, seduce, lecture, tell untruths, or move people. I learned an approach to filmmaking that goes back to filmmakers like David MacDougall, Herb di Gioia and David Hancock who studied at UCLA in the 1960s. A core principle of their documentary work was caring about the relationship between participants, the filmmaker and time. They didn’t storyboard scenes or direct subjects or reshoot takes. They made…

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