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  1. Leeds fashion students create masks and scrubs for front-line workers

    …or their hard work. Now, is a time more than ever for everyone to act with compassion and come together in community spirit. I couldn’t have completed the headbands without the skills and knowledge taught by my lecturers. Especially in the current situation, they have been nothing but supportive and thorough. We’re taught to be considerate in every way we use our craft – whether that is within sustainability or for a cause.” First-year BA (Hons) F…

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  2. Covid-19 response

    …iance universities have been proudly supporting their communities, and the nation, throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes training a significant proportion of the NHS frontline workforce, contributing to lifesaving research, donating vital supplies and facilities, and supporting local community initiatives. Universities have also worked hard to support a safe return to campus for their learners, staff and university communities, ensuring…

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  3. Celebrating the very best of DTA creativity and research talent at the Images of Research Awards

    …s and techniques to do research today – including the important ability to communicate the complexities of scientific projects to different audiences. This year’s competition highlighted that developing the ability to present evidence-based scientific arguments to the wider public is particularly pressing for early career researchers. Through summarising their research in a single image and a short text, competition entrants put into practice thes…

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  4. The missing piece of Sunak’s puzzle? Degree apprentices

    …ter understood and expanded, but also that the people who need them are benefiting. The recent Social Mobility Commission report on apprenticeships starkly outlined the significant challenges ahead. There has been a 36 per cent decline in apprenticeship starts by people from disadvantaged backgrounds (compared with 23 per cent for others) and just 13 per cent of degree-level apprenticeships go to apprentices from disadvantaged backgrounds. The goo…

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  5. Continuing the conversation between Emma Hardy MP and Professor Jane Harrington, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Greenwich 

    …ble for the Government’s emergency Covid-19 financial support, or wider benefits system. Without a safety net in place, too many students may fall through the gaps, despite the efforts from individual institutions. Emma, thank you so much for your thoughts and insights to the work the University Alliance can be doing to support their communities and the nation through this crisis, twice! It has been a pleasure. I look forward to engaging with you…

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  6. Privacy notice

    …curacies in your data corrected, which may include the right to have any incomplete data completed; The right to have your personal data erased in certain circumstances; The right to have the processing of your data suspended, for example if you want us to establish the accuracy of the data we are processing. The right to receive a copy of data you have provided to us, and have that transmitted to another data controller. The right to object to an…

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  7. National Apprenticeship Week: Jack Bishop

    …apprenticeship, or any other, I always give the same advice. Research the company that you are applying for and have a vested interest in the company and the work that you will be doing – this will make the apprenticeship more enjoyable. During the application stage, ensure that you put forward your skills, hobbies and any STEM-based activities which can enhance your application. The application window is fur months long, complete the application…

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  8. The Success for All programme: challenging the assumptions

    …contested data at first and when it was clear that disparities were not artefactual, they wanted more research before they felt they could take any action. Course teams felt little connection with aggregated results. Schools did not want institutionally-imposed policies, but found it difficult to create local solutions. What was achieved, however, was a much wider understanding that we have an above average proportion of undergraduates from disadv…

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  9. UWE Bristol: Team Entrepreneurship

    …es to complete their own programme of individual development and learning, completing a personal learning contract they agree with their team companies (rationale: entrepreneurs need to manage their own learning) Team strand: students develop leadership, followership and collaborative skills within team-based projects and ventures (rationale: entrepreneurs need to work with others). Each team company has its own open plan office space in the dedic…

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  10. University Alliance: Innovating Future Business 2017

    …Innovating Future Business 2017, visit our website. Click here to read more about the students’ business proposals, and more details on the investors can be found on our blog. Data on graduate start-ups taken from HE Business and Community Interaction Survey 2015/16 by HESA: For press enquiries please contact Joshua Hastings, Communications Officer: /…

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    Innovating Future Business 2017