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  1. Christmas Card Competition 2013

    …Covers will be judged on their design as well as how well they fit the ‘Global’ brief. The winner will be published on our website on Thursday 28 November. The winner will also be contacted directly to arrange receipt of their prize. Questions: Questions and enquiries about competition rules can be emailed to Van –….

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  2. Our response to HEFCE's young participation report

    …local students, many of whom stay in the area after graduating.” Notes to editor Press contact: Andrew Henry, | 0207 839 2757. ‘Trends in young participation in higher education’ is available on the HEFCE website . The report looks at how the proportion of young people who enter HE by the age of 19 has changed over time. It uses official HE enrolment data up to the 2011/12 academic year in conjunction w…

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  3. A-Level reforms too narrow

    …ng the quality of A-levels. “Alliance universities are part of a broad and diverse sector that includes many outstanding universities that are transforming lives and delivering the highly skilled graduates needed for the future. “We look forward to working with the Secretary of State and Ofqual to develop a system that takes into account the breadth of expertise that exists and the wider ambitions of our many students.” ENDS Press contacts Sam Jon…

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  4. Flexibility is key

    …ucation Innovation Fund at current levels is welcome. HEIF remains an incredibly attractive investment for the taxpayer. Estimates place the return on HEIF as £6 for every £1 invested, although this probably underestimates the ultimate benefits to the economy and society thanks to the positive changes it makes to universities’ approach to knowledge exchange in the long term, and the many knock-on benefits for employment and skills that may arise….

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  5. Christmas Card Competition 2012

    …ill be judged on their design as well as how well they fit the ‘futures’ brief. 10. The winner will be published on our website on Wednesday 28 November. 11. The winner will also be contacted directly to arrange receipt of their prize. Questions: Questions and enquiries about competition rules can be emailed to Louisa –…

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  6. University Alliance respond to the Milburn Report on social mobility

    …of the value of going to university with the aim of increasing social mobility. Through our partnerships with schools, colleges and communities Alliance universities are working hard to raise aspirations, inspire people, and make options clearer.” –ends– Press contact – Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 24 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped…

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  7. Comment on release of OECD report 'Education at a glance'

    …the public cost of their education.” Press contact – Andrew Henry, | 07833 236 629 Download the OECD Report. About University Alliance University Alliance is a group of 24 universities offering a distinct student experience shaped by a commitment to delivering world-class research and a culture of enterprise and innovation built on close partnerships with business, the professions and their communities. www.uniallianc…

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  8. Comment on university places announcement

    …e overall student numbers.” Notes to editors: University Alliance Website: Media contact: | 07833 236 629. The January 2012 Grant Letter to HEFCE confirmed that 10,000 modernisation fund student numbers will not be consolidated and an additional 5,000 student numbers have been removed to reduce the risk of overspend. Of the 20,000 Core and Margin numbers – the vast majority of which ha…

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  9. University Alliance welcomes the Government's Innovation and Research Strategy

    …of Government’s Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, said: “The Government’s commitment to research funding following excellence wherever it exists will safeguard the UK research base and is indeed welcome. By continuing to fund small but excellent research facilities, Government is recognising the critical role they play within the innovation ecosystem. Maintaining a balance between fundament…

    Read more of: University Alliance welcomes the Government's Innovation and Research Strategy