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  1. Closing speech UA Summit 2016: Leading the way in our cities and regions

    …tre. Old notions of a ‘job for life’ are becoming a thing of the past. The World Economic Forum has predicted that over 7 million jobs will become obsolete – and that’s just in the next half decade. For Britain to compete globally, we need more job-ready graduates with the transferrable skills, agility and resilience to thrive in an era of unprecedented technological change. An ability to work across borders and alongside those from other cultures…

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  2. Growing Industries

    …knowledge into innovative products and services destined for domestic and worldwide markets. Our researchers also collaborate with business partners to develop new strategies, management styles and methods of production to boost competitiveness. Alongside this rich source of knowledge and new perspectives, Alliance universities offer a fertile environment to incubate and support entrepreneurial students, graduates and spin-out companies that are…

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  3. Prime Minister urged to review international student regulations

    …en successful export market for the UK – one of the most successful in the world. Damage to this market will have a detrimental economic, political and cultural impact at a time when we should be encouraging, not hindering, areas of strength and growth. Overseas students benefit business through work placements or as permanent workers filling highly specialised skills needs, often in shortage areas, after graduation. These students are estimated t…

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  4. Why degree apprenticeships deserve your attention

    …cal doctors) through apprenticeship routes by 2031/32, compared to just 7% today, which will be no mean feat. There is already a teacher training apprenticeship route at postgraduate level, but Ministers are committed to introducing a new teacher degree apprenticeship for those without degrees (you might have seen the recent headlines screaming about ‘teenage teachers’). The well-established Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA) is utilise…

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    UA logo - pink
  5. What you study is more important than where you study, according to new survey of graduate employers

    …e of that pressure by showing what really matters to employers. My course, marketing management, is the sort of degree that some people don’t really understand the importance of. It was a great degree though because it was really vocational, I was working directly with employers almost from day one and it’s professionally accredited. Just a couple of months after finishing my studies I am managing marketing projects professionally. I hope this rep…

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  6. Supporting arts, culture and the creative economy across our cities and regions

    …rsity Alliance, we are hoping to build and grow on the partnerships that already exist, to ensure that our sectors continue to have a meaningful two-way dialogue.” Commenting, AHRC Interim Chief Executive Professor Andrew Thompson said: “The AHRC recognises that Universities have long-running strategic relationships with a wide variety of local and national creative practitioners. Some of these partnerships with the creative economy are however le…

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  7. Great teaching and research a catalyst for economic regeneration

    …understanding of good teaching. The very process of producing an application helps to concentrate the mind and leads to a deeper understanding of the teaching process. So, as we prepare for the run up to the REF, and the next student recruitment cycle, I am confident that we are in the best possible position – and ready to meet the next challenge head on….

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  8. Let’s get strategic

    …e know we will not be alone in making this ask of political parties in the run-up to the general election, and note our shared recommendations with Universities UK (UUK) to reinstate maintenance grants for those who need them most and restore the unit of resource to the equivalent of 2015/16 levels as soon as practically possible. The Lords report called on the Government to “review how higher education is funded, setting long-term, sustainable fu…

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    Susanna Kalitowski
  9. Energy case study: Delano Henry

    …urce can be part of a diverse energy mix in the future alongside renewable energy. As his discipline focuses on the upstream sector of the energy industry, the DTA energy group exposes Delano to how economics, politics and environmental issues can have a direct impact on the exploration and production of energy resources, as well as how the end product reaches the consumers. Back to case studies page…

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  10. Higher Education after the Election

    …place on 7th May and, whatever the outcome, it will herald more change, disruption and opportunities for the sector. Absorbing the impacts of the General Election will be critical for organisations and leaders in Higher Education. A change of government will herald change, but a re-elected government is also likely to move quickly with further reform. Our presenters and commentators will provide important insight and understanding of the policy im…

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