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  1. Concentration and diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research

    …unding where quality exists. This is fully supported by University Alliance. The UK has one of the most highly selective research funding methods in the world – QR funding in 2009-10, based on RAE 2008, has not changed that: In 2007-8, four institutions received 29 per cent of Quality-related (QR) funding (and 23 around 75 per cent). In 2009-10, four institutions received 32 per cent of QR funding (and 25 around 75 per cent). Selectivity can, howe…

    Read more of: Concentration and diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research
  2. THE: Letter to the Editor, Win-win way to square the funding circle

    …ee element of loans and test the hypothesis by seeing how many students also repaid the rest of what they owed. It would then have evidence to support future schemes to incentivise repayments. Alternatively, it could offer the discount only to lower-income students, information the Student Loans Company already has. So an enlightened Government could enable graduates to repay loans to help them through a difficult start to their careers, allow sev…

    Read more of: THE: Letter to the Editor, Win-win way to square the funding circle
  3. Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance

    …of seriously important HE institutions that are a key part of powering the UK. We educate a huge number of professionals that keep the country functioning, such as teachers, nurses and health professionals.” In taking up the role of Deputy Chair, Alistair hopes to help UA realise our considerable potential to shape the future Higher Education landscape. This is because, at the heart of it all, Alistair is driven by the desire to make things better…

    Read more of: Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance