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  1. University Alliance response to HEFCE review of teaching funding method

    …e for money, our funding method should continue to reflect the impact of income from tuition fees and contributions from employers? Consultation question 9: Do you consider that any other principles or features should be fundamental to our teaching funding method? Consultation question 10: What are the advantages / disadvantages associated with each of the options in paragraph 60? Are there other effective alternatives? [Download consultation resp…

    Read more of: University Alliance response to HEFCE review of teaching funding method
  2. Briefing on shortfall in university places

    …UCAS data release 8 February 2010). Steve Smith, President of Universities UK has commented: “Last year about 160,000 students who applied didn’t end up going to university. This year, we already know that there are about another 75,000 applying for university. So… there will be a lot of students this year who do not get a place at university.” University Alliance represents 22 universities at the heart of the sector. There have been significant i…

    Read more of: Briefing on shortfall in university places
  3. The Independent: ‘Battle for doctoral funds: Should government cash for PhDs be restricted to the best universities?’

    …In the university world, differences of opinion are nothing new. But the outcome of this one might just change the character of higher education itself. Universities are at odds over the future of postgraduate study, with a Government review on the subject, due to report in the spring, setting up sharply diverging views on how PhDs should be funded just as finances for the sector as a whole come under huge pressure. Read the full article….

    Read more of: The Independent: ‘Battle for doctoral funds: Should government cash for PhDs be restricted to the best universities?’
  4. University Alliance report shows that selectivity, not concentration, has driven excellence in UK research

    …ionship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research’. Commenting on the report Director of University Alliance, Libby Aston, said: “Future policy on research concentration has seemed a little uncertain since RAE 2008 results demonstrated that peaks of world-leading research excellence were distributed more widely than had been anticipated. The evidence, however, remains very clear: selectivity not concentration has driven ex…

    Read more of: University Alliance report shows that selectivity, not concentration, has driven excellence in UK research
    Libby Aston