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  1. Telling the story about universities and growth

    …bt be at the top of each agenda: how to support growth and recovery in the UK economy. We are confident that universities will be critical – far beyond educating our future graduates (important though this is). Of course there are plenty of statistics we could have referred to. I could tell you that income from knowledge exchange activity between UK universities, business and other users increased by 35% over the last decade or how with a revenue…

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  2. The value of a degree is worth the investment for individuals and society

    …: more than just a degree – which can be found at University Alliance is a group of 23 major, business-engaged universities committed to delivering world-class research and a quality student experience around the UK. They are universities without boundaries: delivering economic and social growth through close links with their research, students and staff and…

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  3. Welcome to our new site

    …sts from University Alliance staff and members about their work as well as comment on events in higher education, politics and the economy. In Policy & Research you can find our publications, policy briefings and consultation responses. We have an evidence-based approach to policy that looks to find solutions to the many policy challenges faced by University Alliance institutions. News & Media will highlight our appearances in the press and let yo…

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  4. University Alliance response to HEFCE consultation – Higher Education Innovation Funding 2011 – 15

    …, and that could be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of KE performance and could be collected in a fairly low-burden way? Consultation question 3: Do you have any other comments on any aspects of the policies, method and funding for HEIF 2011-15? [Download consultation response as PDF]    …

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  5. Sky News – Universities key to economy

    …University Alliance Director, Libby Aston, talks about the important role universities play in building the economy. Universities do this with the greatest impact when they work closely with industry. Libby also points out the need to clearly communicate the new student finance system so that no applicant is put off going to university. The interview came on the back of the GSK announcing they would pay tuition off for top graduates….

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  6. Keeping knowledge at the centre of growth

    …s key to generating business growth and jobs, as well as strengthening the UK’s global competitive advantage. Alliance universities have real expertise in driving economic growth through this approach. These are universities undertaking world-leading research, often in highly rated STEM departments, working closely with industry to generate near-market solutions and starting new businesses. Harnessing the links and processes that allow knowledge t…

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  7. BBC: University place scramble gets underway

    …A scramble for university is under way with up to 186,000 students chasing a dwindling number of unfilled places. With another record in the A-level pass rate, and 27% of entries gaining As or A*s, the competition appears more intense than ever. The university admissions service said 2010 was perhaps the toughest year for admissions for the past decade. Read the full article.  …

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  8. Guardian: Tackling the taxing problem of funding universities

    …tax does not do that quickly enough. It would exclude those who do not pay UK income tax or chose to graduate abroad. There would have to be cut-offs and exemptions, as Browne’s researchers are discovering. Worse for universities it would again centralise funding, making them more dependent on Treasury goodwill, not less as Blair-Brown intended in creating annual fees, one of their more important public sector reforms, vital to maintaining the tri…

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