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  1. University Alliance says investment in HE ‘crucial’ for UK economy

    …tes: the effects of ELQ funding being removed and unfunded growth are not reflected in 2010-11 figures [5] HEFCE Report can be downloaded here. [6] University Alliance report can be downloaded here. About University Alliance University Alliance represents 22 major, dynamic, business-like universities at the heart of the sector that deliver world-leading research with impact and are actively businessfocussed. Alliance universities educate 26% of al…

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  2. University Alliance report shows that selectivity, not concentration, has driven excellence in UK research

    …nship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research’. Commenting on the report Director of University Alliance, Libby Aston, said: “Future policy on research concentration has seemed a little uncertain since RAE 2008 results demonstrated that peaks of world-leading research excellence were distributed more widely than had been anticipated. The evidence, however, remains very clear: selectivity not concentration has driven exce…

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    Libby Aston
  3. Concentration and diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research

    …research funding methods in the world – QR funding in 2009-10, based on RAE 2008, has not changed that: In 2007-8, four institutions received 29 per cent of Quality-related (QR) funding (and 23 around 75 per cent). In 2009-10, four institutions received 32 per cent of QR funding (and 25 around 75 per cent). Selectivity can, however, be taken too far. HEFCE’s ‘Fundamental Review of Research Policy and Funding’ concluded that “a major increase in se…

    Read more of: Concentration and diversity: understanding the relationship between excellence, concentration and critical mass in UK research
  4. THE: Letter to the Editor, Win-win way to square the funding circle

    …0. There is a simple way to meet these costs. The Government should offer a 20 per cent discount to any 2009 graduate who repays some or all of their loan by 31 October. Some 300,000 students will graduate this year, the first generation to pay top-up fees. Most have taken out loans of about £10,000 to cover fees and up to a further £15,000 for living costs. We do not yet know the total owed by the Class of 2009, but a conservative estimate puts t…

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  5. Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance

    …aced by the HE sector. With a new regulator, reviews into funding and the TEF, ever changing ministers and secretaries of state and of course the still-present potential of a no-deal Brexit, Alistair is focused on guiding both Oxford Brookes and the wider sector through “the minefield ahead”. Providing a strong collective voice and a steer to the sector is, for Alistair, one of the greatest attractions to being part of a mission group; “The missio…

    Read more of: Profile: Professor Alistair Fitt, Deputy Chair of University Alliance