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  1. Problem Solved: University Research Answering Today’s Challenges

    …the public increasingly concerned with Government spending and the looming comprehensive spending review, it a critical time to be recognising and raising awareness of the value of university research in the UK, in particular the application of research responding to global challenges. “Universities, through their world-leading research, advance our knowledge and understanding of these issues and solve many of the problems that drive them: environ…

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  2. It’s time to take our heads out of the sand

    …he need for rich engagement and collaboration, going way beyond the usual references we draw on to think about these issues. And therefore we need to engage with industry sectors, public services, universities across the sector, students and staff to make sure we are not losing any thinking in terms of future building. We need to reference international thinking and be bold and creative in our vision. We have drawn together a wide range of people…

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  3. The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass

    …tes threatens the future growth of the UK economy. Contrary to popular belief, indicators suggest that there is a shortage of graduates in the UK, not too many. Technology is changing the way we work and the structure of the labour market which is resulting in an increased demand for graduate attributes. In light of these projections, the decision to cut around 25,000 university places for next year could seriously hold back our capacity for econo…

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  4. The Times – ‘Soft ways into university face the axe’

    …cle in the Sunday Times Libby Hackett, director of University alliance, welcomed plans to scrap UCAS tariffs for certain vocational courses as alternatives to A-levels. “[Parity of esteem] is a laudable aim, but it never did provide that equality of status because it does not compare like with like. It’s trying to put different types of qualifications into a single system. It doesn’t help anybody,” Hackett said. Read the full article here – (behin…

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  5. University Alliance responds to UCAS applicant figures

    …nd it is certainly not good for the UK economy. “At a time when our global competitors are increasing the number of graduates in the workforce to increase their capacity for economic growth, how can the UK justify a reduction of 15,000 university places – especially when there are such high levels of youth unemployment? “These headline figures also mask the popularity of particular courses and universities. There are many Alliance universities tha…

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  6. Teesside University

    …been awarded an overall gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. Research and innovation at Teesside focuses on five grand societal challenge themes which make a real and practical difference to the lives of people and the success of business and economies. The five areas address – health and wellbeing; resilient and secure societies; digital and creative economy; sustainable environments; and learning for the 21st century. Tee…

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  7. Oxford Brookes University

    …School, and of the Sinclair building providing new teaching and research laboratories for students and staff in health and life sciences. The investment continues with £220m being spent on refurbishment across its campuses over the next ten years, including a brand new space for engineering, computing and subjects in the creative disciplines….

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