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  1. THE: Lift tax-barrier to shared services, Alliance pleads

    …ress on a more “flexible framework” for VAT could hinder the potential for efficiency savings in the sector. Currently, institutions that want to share activities such as payroll management must save at least the cost of VAT – 17.5 per cent – as although universities are classed as VAT-exempt, they cannot reclaim the tax paid on the services they buy. The previous government said in the Budget statement in March that it would “consider options” fo…

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  2. University Alliance response to HEFCE review of teaching funding method

    …e that, to achieve value for money, our funding method should continue to reflect the impact of income from tuition fees and contributions from employers? Consultation question 9: Do you consider that any other principles or features should be fundamental to our teaching funding method? Consultation question 10: What are the advantages / disadvantages associated with each of the options in paragraph 60? Are there other effective alternatives? [Dow…

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  3. THE: Mission groups call for higher fees

    …the point of use”. “Government could achieve an overall cost reduction in comparison to the current system, whilst still providing loans to cover the full tuition fee, even up to a fee of £9,000 per year, if necessary,” the document claims. But Aaron Porter, president-elect of the National Union of Students, said this could lead to students accruing debts of more than £40,000. Removing the cap on fees would expose students and their families to “…

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  4. THE: Alliance contribution aims to reshape fees debate

    …top-up fees would be rebranded as graduate contributions under proposals published today by a group of 23 universities. The University Alliance – which represents institutions including The Open University, the University of Hertfordshire and Sheffield Hallam University – argues that its system would dispel “myths” about an upfront cost to university study and the language of debt. Its plans would see the troubled Student Loans Company replaced w…

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  5. The Guardian: Why a contribution is fairer than a fee

    …ce-chancellors willing to say that the fee cap should be raised, or lifted completely – a development that will do nothing to enhance the public’s understanding of, or affection for, fees. If we were able to step outside of this sphere for a moment we might learn some lessons about why there is such a divide between public opinion on university funding and the view from within the sector. It isn’t simply about money or the fee cap. Read the full a…

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  6. The Times: ‘Parties accused of dodging protests over tuition fees’

    …tion fees and maintenance loans to be funded by the private sector through sales of bonds, not by the taxpayer, as in Hungary. University Alliance, representing 22 universities including Oxford Brookes, Bournemouth, Plymouth and Nottingham Trent, said that companies should, in return, charge students higher interest on loans. Typical interest rates might rise to 4.5 or 5 per cent, from their current rate pegged to inflation. Students would not fac…

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  7. Briefing on shortfall in university places

    …ntry to Higher Education in 2010 show a 22.9% increase in applications from 2009 (UCAS data release 8 February 2010). Steve Smith, President of Universities UK has commented: “Last year about 160,000 students who applied didn’t end up going to university. This year, we already know that there are about another 75,000 applying for university. So… there will be a lot of students this year who do not get a place at university.” University Alliance re…

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  8. The Independent: ‘Battle for doctoral funds: Should government cash for PhDs be restricted to the best universities?’

    …In the university world, differences of opinion are nothing new. But the outcome of this one might just change the character of higher education itself. Universities are at odds over the future of postgraduate study, with a Government review on the subject, due to report in the spring, setting up sharply diverging views on how PhDs should be funded just as finances for the sector as a whole come under huge pressure. Read the full article….

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  9. UCAS application data shows significant increases in STEM applications across Alliance universities

    …ease in applications to Engineering at Hertfordshire University by 32% from 2009 compares to a 14% national average increase. “It is heartening to see that the significant effort which has been put into raising aspirations in STEM subjects is paying off. The students applying for entry in 2010 will be graduating into an ever changing and dynamic market and Alliance universities have a proven record (2) of working with them to ensure that they are…

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  10. Future arrangements for quality assurance in England and Northern Ireland

    …ng graduates for the 21st century. This response follows discussion amongst our Pro Vice-Chancellors with responsibility for teaching, learning and quality at a University Alliance Quality Seminar held on 18 February 2010. Our response highlights the key issues raised by Alliance universities and is intended to complement the individual and more detailed responses of our members. [Download consultation response as PDF]…

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