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  1. Cabinet reshuffle: continuity at a time of great change

    …ficant change for the higher education sector, having some certainty is welcomed by students and institutions alike. This continuity will provide stability for universities as they adapt to the new funding system while simultaneously ensuring students receive the high quality education that they deserve. Keeping universities at the heart of growth The other good news from the the reshuffle was that the university brief was to stay in the Departmen…

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  2. BBC – Labour defends university expansion as good for economy

    At Graduate Employability: where next? Shabana Mahmood MP, shadow Minister of State for Higher Education discussed the role of universities in society. Ms Mahmood told an invited audience that she wanted to debunk the myth that the value of a degree had declined since the growth in the numbers of graduates and universities. Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, also speaking at the event, said, “there is a long term issue about how many…

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  3. Problem Solved: University Research Answering Today’s Challenges

    …r economy and society. Libby Hackett, Director of University Alliance, said: “With the public increasingly concerned with Government spending and the looming comprehensive spending review, it a critical time to be recognising and raising awareness of the value of university research in the UK, in particular the application of research responding to global challenges. “Universities, through their world-leading research, advance our knowledge and un…

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  4. It’s time to take our heads out of the sand

    …here and now worrying about tactical, organisational responses to what is coming out of government and trying to work out how best to position ourselves in the short-term rather than in the long-term. What we hope this process will do is to start to take away some of the scales in front of our eyes at the moment. The future is going to look very different. What we need to work out is what that means for us now and engage with parliamentarians and…

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  5. Three-quarters of universities ‘to cut student places’

    …tes Graeme Paton here. Libby Hackett, director of University Alliance, said: “Despite continued demand for university places we are seeing significant drops in student places across the sector with some institutions subject to cuts of 12 per cent in just one year. “The places which are being taken out of the system in 2012-13, or transferring to further education, means that there will be 20,000 fewer young people able to go to university compared…

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  6. The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass

    Our new report, ‘The way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass,’ which highlights that the shortage of graduates threatens the future growth of the UK economy. Contrary to popular belief, indicators suggest that there is a shortage of graduates in the UK, not too many. Technology is changing the way we work and the structure of the labour market which is resulting in an increased demand for graduate attributes. In light…

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  7. The Times – ‘Soft ways into university face the axe’

    …cle in the Sunday Times Libby Hackett, director of University alliance, welcomed plans to scrap UCAS tariffs for certain vocational courses as alternatives to A-levels. “[Parity of esteem] is a laudable aim, but it never did provide that equality of status because it does not compare like with like. It’s trying to put different types of qualifications into a single system. It doesn’t help anybody,” Hackett said. Read the full article here – (behin…

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