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  1. University of South Wales is Launched

    …size and provides Wales with a major regional university, well equipped to compete with counterparts across the border. We are thrilled that Professor Julie Lydon, formerly of the University of Glamorgan, will be Vice-Chancellor of the new University and look forward to continued work with her and the rest of her team. The University continues to promote the values of University Alliance, the University is a member of the St David’s Day Group, rec…

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  2. UK universities growing global graduates

    …studies (69% other UK universities/66% globally) This work supports the cause, that we and the wider sector share, around ensuring that the UK truly is an ‘open economy’. International students place huge importance on getting a good job and being able to work in the UK after they graduate. Post-study work in the UK needs to be more than a possibility for the lucky few. It should be an attractive and feasible option for more of our highly motivate…

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  3. Growing global graduates

    …studies (69% other UK universities/66% globally) This work supports the cause, that we and the wider sector share, around ensuring that the UK truly is an ‘open economy’. International students place huge importance on getting a good job and being able to work in the UK after they graduate. Post-study work in the UK needs to be more than a possibility for the lucky few. It should be an attractive and feasible option for more of our highly motivate…

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  4. Our response to the EU budget for 2014-20

    …nditure, EU leaders have agreed an increase in research, innovation and education spending for 2014-20. Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance responds: “We welcome this significant increase in the EU’s research and innovation budget for 2014-20. This commitment to supporting research and innovation is the right decision in a difficult economic climate. “Increasing investment, and funding research based on excellence, will further s…

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  5. BBC: ‘Vocational courses call to UK universities’

    Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance, has commented on a BBC article on vocational learning. This is in response to a Policy Exchange poll, which found 55% of adults believe too many people studied narrowly academic subjects. Libby said: “We can expect to see big changes to the way we work in the future – technological advances, changing global economies, environmental uncertainty. And we are going to need innovative and entrepre…

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  6. Telegraph: Where have all the students gone?

    …In an article for the Telegraph, Peter Stanford looks at the impact of student number controls and the reasoning behind empty university places. In the article, Libby Hackett, Chief Executive of University Alliance said, “these students tend to come to our universities for specific courses that we do very well and so they are not going to be tempted to go elsewhere by the new freedom that has been introduced.” Read the full article….

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  7. Our event at Going Global, 2013

    …nt scenarios work we will explore the issues and challenges facing universities in the future and ask the big questions about how and where universities need to position themselves to deliver the knowledge, networks and communities we need.We will explore what this changing environment mean for the future of Higher Education, and how are UK universities equipping graduates for the future? 5 March 2013 – 08:45-10:00 See you there!…

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  8. Guardian: Scholarship scheme won’t attract poor students

    …esponded said, “these figures are not a useful reflection of the support received by students attending Alliance institutions. The fact is, Alliance universities have, on average, over twice as many students from lower-income and under-represented groups compared with the rest of the sector while achieving some of the highest graduate prospects. That is the bigger picture that these figures fail to recognise.” Read the full article….

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  9. The sector’s long-term health has to be at the forefront of our thinking

    …s, and our colleagues and students. These decisions will influence the long-term future of the higher education sector – the sector’s long-term health has to be at the forefront of our thinking. We cannot afford to make the wrong call. “It is clear that over the course of my three year tenure, many difficult decisions will need to be taken; by policy-makers, university leaders, and our colleagues and students.” Our focus has to be on making sure t…

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  10. Cabinet reshuffle: continuity at a time of great change

    …ure and transforming the lives of those that interact with them. Improving competitiveness, high-level skills and thinking of new and creative approaches have always been crucial to business success and growth – and is central to the BIS portfolio. Higher education institutions are key to unlocking this hidden potential and BIS is best placed to help support and strengthen the collaborations that already exist between universities and business. Of…

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